Fishing Forum

Full Version: BassmanIU, Chick, Bass, 6/17/2009 My birthday!, Tripp
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I decided to take my birthday off work this year. I called it "Corey's day of fun"...and it's still going! emoLaugh This morning was for fishing and then play golf in the afternoon. So that's what we did emoParty <br /><br />Put in at HBSP at 6am and headed up river to a little slough we've been having some success in. Found some grass and immediately went with the black frog on top. Tripp pulled in a 15 incher on a spinnerbait and then it was my turn. Next cast on top of the grass and a nice 5 pounder was put in the boat. Very next cast, 3 pounder on the frog. Third consecutive cast to the mat and I pulled out a 15 incher. It was unbelievable! Over the next 2 hours we hooked up with 20 fish and brought 13 to the boat, all keepers except for 3. There is nothing like watching a bass come up through the grass/moss and slam a frog.<br /><br />We headed back to HBSP around 9am to try for white bass in the channel. We didnt' find any today and the wind started picking up so we took out to get ready for our golf outing. So, 3 hours...20 bass...biggest 5 probably went 13-14 pounds. All on black/red frogs.<br /><br />I should have a cell phone pic up tonight if I'm coherent Wink <br /><br /> to TACO MAC!!! emoToast