I'm taken the boat out in the AM. just wanted to know if anyone has any late reports on either place??? Cant decide more eyes or try for a nice bow[crazy] Just wanted to hear if anyone had any late info prob not with all the rain...........
Hey kiddo! Chesterfield is no good anymore!!! I caught em all last Saturday!lol JK there was alot of nice bows comin out of there that day!Good Luck! Remember you can only keep 2 trout at Chesterfield.
Smiles Always!
ya no kidden you prob did catch them all...... thanks for the heads up on the limit... i dont keep much bow's less its a deep hook set then i give em to the grandparents they love em.... any word up the narrows way or the dam??? you tried that lately??? with this rain im sure not many has been out.
Let us know where you go. Especially if you go to Oneida. I am heading up that way early Saturday morning with the boat.
I was just there (Oneida) a couple days ago and done well with the eyes but all where small.... no bass (wasnt really after them tho) but did get into some nice perch... all was up by the maple grove camp site about 15-20 yards off the bank got a 20in on the other side of the camp grounds there is a rock slide deal right there, just trolling with different things...
No I haven't fished it since Memorial. Been playin on the Bear closer to home and Newton for Tiggers and LM. I am thinking about heading up next weekend...still want to figure out the secret to those MONSTERS in there!
GL Kiddo!
Smiles Always!