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News Flash - Please be aware...
[font "Verdana"][#000080][size 2]
The Fishermen's Spot, long time supporter of Sierra Pacific, was broken into last night (6/17/09). Stolen were reels and rods plus damage to the store. They will make up a list of what is missing (some reels were one-of-a-kind) and it will be forwarded to the membership. If you are offered something that seems too good to be true or something shows up on eBay, please contact Steve or Ken (818) 785-7306.

Tight Lines,
Southwest Council, Federation of Fly Fishers[/size][/#000080][/font]

[Image: t.o?6knn--Cvzk46]

thanks for the heads up on this.. if I see anything Ill be sure to ask ya'll first (novicness) and then pass it on as needed...
