Fished today out of the North marina, but covered most of the reservoir. Boated 7 wipers, all of them small and released, and 2 17-18" walleye. Kinda weird, because all the fish came in ~20+' of water, and hit lures at quite different depths. I had a Shad Rap 5 in Bluegill running 5' down, and a Thunderstick Jr in Blue/Chrome running 14' down. I caught walleye and wipers on both lures. One walleye's stomach was empty, the other had a baby crawfish, 3/4-1" long it in, and nothing else. Must be pretty slim pickins for them now, though both were in good shape.
Here's a couple pictures of one of the wipers. The last one is wiper baked using a recipe called, "Olympic Halibut". Outstanding.
Nice post and pics, the plate of food looks great.
The shad at this time of year are very small and the wiper are looking for food. the bite will change as time goes on. [fishin]
The best picture is the last. Yummy. I went out of the North marina today also. Only out to the buoys though. Mechanical problems sent me home before I picked up a pole. Your day looked to be much better than mine.
I did not get the name of the kind sole who towed me back to the dock. To him I say Thank you kindly.
I fished the same area this morning. I boated 9 Wiper on diving rapala's.
I was in the yellow and white tri-hull with a blue bimini.
I saw a boat get towed back in at about 7:15 today. That must have been you. You were dead in the water off the south side of the entrance, and I saw the other boat circle to tie up for the tow. I was just leaving the marina.
I didn't see you out there, DKS. I was in the Hewescraft, white/silver, with the gray bimini. Sounds like you had a good day. Did you head out west? I thought the water out by the light pole looked really bad. I caught most of my fish in the area around the island. Freeway Bay looked good, and I picked up a couple there. Which Rapalas worked for you?
I had my radio on scan, but didn't hear anybody say anything until some fellow going by "Sailor's Dream" asked for a radio check on Ch 16, then asked how the fishing was. Pretty funny, because you don't do that on the coast. That's an emergency channel only, and the CG would chew your butt for talking fishing on 16. Sure would be nice if BFTer's would pick a channel, like say 68.
That last pick is the best. Will have to try them that way.