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Full Version: cb1340, nick/riverpark, mixed, 6/20, njbailes
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<br /> Went down to the riverpark this morning. Got their at 6:05 and it was already warming up to be another scorcher. Nick was there waiting on me. We fished on the east side of the R.R. bridge and I had caught several within the first 15-20 minutes. Had a few get off as well. I think the first one was a little brownie, and then, a few spats. The bite sort of died so we moved to the west side of the bridge and both of us picked up a few more spats, bigmouths, and some whites. Then the flood gates opened and the water rose and killed our bite there so we decided to move down the bank to where the current was sweeping past the littlearea between the boat ramp and the R.R. bridge. We waded out about waist deep, cast into the current and let the bait drift to the edge of the current, then retreive. This was the HOTSPOT for sure!! I honestly don't know how many fish we rounded up but it was a great day! emoDance I caught a good keeper LM and nick couldn't get my phone camera to work so the photo of it wasn't so great. The camera said pics were corrupt or damaged. emoScratch We both caught turtles, mine was snagged by a storm swimbait and nicks on a rattle trap. Nick also caught a nice crappie on the trap as well. I got a pic of it below. I had several other pics including the turtle I caught, and one of the brownies but apparently I can't operate my phone either b/c it didn't save them(I thought so but they weren't on the card emoBawl ) I acted a fool and slid on the muck ladened rocks and got soaked, which gave nick and some others a good laugh, I even thought it was pretty funny. All the fish were caught on bass colored traps, roostertails, and storm swimmers(for me). I would slow retreive the storms and just sort of bump them around the bottom, as for the bass rattl trap I was using just reel it in fast enough to keep it from going up under the rocks or at least until I snagged it. Nick broke his rod tip and I broke the drag sprocket on my code B.C. But thats ok b/c I took it back to dicks and exchanged it for another. emoEvil They gave me store credit and a 10 buck coupon so I ended up with two replacement traps for the one I lost. Looks like every thing worked out for the better.<br /> <br /> Keeper LM<br /> <br /><br /> nicks crappie <br /><br />