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[frown]the fishing from a boat was slow this weekend,it seemed that the fish were nibbling but would not take anything early.had a lot of hits but couldnt set them.cought some fish trolling at the end of the did any one else do?
We did pretty good, considering all the recent reports were "SLOWWWWWWWWW". We mainly trolled flies & probably caught 20-30 fish each day between 3 of us. We fished it Thursday - Saturday. Just got up Sunday (Fathers Day) to the rain, and just decided to head home. Our biggest was right at 4 lbs. per scale, no guessing. Of course the biggest one got away. We guessed it to be between 5-6 lbs. What is funny is people were all telling us they were catching 4-6 lbers., but when we actually saw the fish they had, they were the average 1.5 - 2 lbers. The weather really made it tough to fish. We were going to try and anchor and do some bait fishing & maybe some jigging, but we never even tried with all the wind. It was a fun trip though and we'll be back again to try it in the fall.
Thanks for the report. What flies were working if you don't mind me asking.

[quote BiteMe]We did pretty good, considering all the recent reports were "SLOWWWWWWWWW". We mainly trolled flies & probably caught 20-30 fish each day between 3 of us. We fished it Thursday - Saturday. Just got up Sunday (Fathers Day) to the rain, and just decided to head home. Our biggest was right at 4 lbs. per scale, no guessing. Of course the biggest one got away. We guessed it to be between 5-6 lbs. What is funny is people were all telling us they were catching 4-6 lbers., but when we actually saw the fish they had, they were the average 1.5 - 2 lbers. The weather really made it tough to fish. We were going to try and anchor and do some bait fishing & maybe some jigging, but we never even tried with all the wind. It was a fun trip though and we'll be back again to try it in the fall.[/quote]

What happened to LENGTH of the fish. Everybody is now into this weight thing. You can't guess weight, but a nice photo of a fish in hand or next to a rod, or whatever. Real easy to convey length..then girth will add to overall WOW's.
I just don't get this WEIGHT thing here.
I was thinking it should be men talking inches and women talking weight, but this is kinda backwards.[:p]
As I said in my report no guessing, we weighed one fish and it was with a lip-n-grip with scale. Landed the fish, one quick lift out of the water, and weight was verified. Takes maybe 5 seconds to do this. I know it takes longer than this to measure a fish, at least for me. We were in a boat, not a pontoon where it's easy to quickly lay a fish on the apron and get a measurement. I did guess the weight of the smaller fish, because they were smaller than the one 4 lber. we weighed. I know we caught fish and I don't feel like I have to take pictures to prove it to anyone. The question was asked if anyone else had been up there and how they did. I simply answered the question that was asked. I just don't get this LENGTH thing.
We did best on black wooly buggers.
Bite me, I didn't so much mean you as you stated you had a scale.
I mean, you look at any post here and they talk WEIGHT over length.
I can tell you, the big one I caught was 36"...that is easy to see. Weight???? haven't a clue. For one thing, to grab that fish by the jaw to weigh it can't be good. That is no better than grabbing them by the tail. It displaces everything in there body.
As far as my pontoon, no apron. Never have. Just hold up and look at distance between hands.

Anyway, Peace Bit Me. and I am betting a 4lb / 5lber was around 23" to 24" long. I know the big ones are in there, don't have to convince me.
Sounds good. I agree with what you say. Let's hope that 37 incher comes calling for you.
Length don't tell me much . I have caught 27" fish that didn't weight 4 pounds . And I have caught a 24 " fish that weight 8 pounds . Here is a picture of the 8 pound Hybrid I am talking about . Curt G.
Okay the length on the is great but the WIDTH...WOW Now that is size.
You tell someone that you caught a 24" that weighs 8 lbs, they are going to call BS. but you tell them the GIRTH better yet the picture.

As mentioned early on in this post...people claim upper weights only to have B.S. called on them. But, no B.S. called on a length/girth.

There are charts that will give you a good calculated weight for a Trout with the length/width measurements.

What would you be thinking if I told you I had caught an 18 to 20 lb Hybrid?
Would you have thought 36" length and around a 27+" girth?
Bite Me, got off track a little and I wanted to give thumbs up to you.
Those 4 to 6 lbers is what H is all about. But as I have said before, it is a Technical Lake.

I think I may not have made myself clear. In a way I was actually agreeing with you about the people who were exaggerating the fishes weight. I was not calling you out. Your story is great and very believable. Thanks for the report.

I usually don't carry a scale as it is difficult to use out of a tube or pontoon. However it is very easy to slide a fish up onto the apron as you said and get a quick measure.

Curt 69 Good example of how big a fish is can really be different depending on the fish.

I guess I'm a little Confused with your reply. You asked what fly we were using and I responded "We did the best on black wolly buggers". I didn't feel like anyone was calling me out. I just love to catch fish.
Just returned from Henrys Monday after 7 days at the state park. First trip I've made during the summer; I always go in late fall. Did not have access to a boat so we fished from the shore. One 3.5 to 4.0 lber (22") the first evening and then nothing but little guys from the shore. I won't go again in the summer w/o my own boat! Fall trips always provide 2-3 per day from shore so I was completely unprepared.
Winchester collector show in Cody over the weekend plus the Cody museum were a fantastic two-day sideline to our trip. The big Plains Indian Pow-Wow adjacent to the museum got TS'd out and we didn't stay for the reschedules. Fantastic costumes.
Storms rolled in ALL week and apparently drove the fish out to deeper water. No visable hatch in the evenings around the shore as in the fall so no action at all on our flies. Boaters were mostly doing well from our vantage point.
It was 39F Monday morning with more rain rolling in and a considerable wind. Probably 35F with the wind chill.
Beautiful Mountain Bluebirds, Summer Tanagers, Warblers plus a cow moose in the marsh. Overall a great trip... Just not a lot of fish for us!
Maybe we will meet up in the Fall. That is my preference also, but I do fish from a pontoon.
FG: Sounds good. Hope you'll stop by and say hi. If it's like last year, we were the sole occupants in the park for 5 of the 8 days! My buddy will have his tube also and it'll be his maiden voyage; maybe you can pass on some Henrys "institutional knowledge" and keep him from drowning. I'll stick with my boat...[:/]