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Full Version: Willard 6/22
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Fishhound and I hit Willard yesterday for the Eyes and wipers. We lanched at about 6a. trolled around for wipers first for a couple hours then switched to bottom bouncers for walleye.. thats when it got exciting.(I think) caught 5 channel cats right off a bit later caught like 3 more using 3 different rigs(colors) on hounds 3 or fourth fish he ended up snagging something and lost the rig immediatly I snagged moved the boat around and managed to pull up his rig, his fish, and someone elses very elaborite rig some nice stuff and one big tangled mess. It was pretty funny but I am claiming that fish[sly][sly] all in all 8 channels is all we got. oh water temp at launch was 64 end of day was 67. We fished about 10 hours. Very minor problems with the boat so a good day! We'll get`em next time thats fishhound for a chill day.
[#008000]Great day on the water 4_luv_of_fishing ! [/#008000]
[#008000]I also thought we had a few moments of excitement. Especially that tag team event with the lost/found rigs and fish. As I said then, you deserve that fish. We should have taken a photo of that.[/#008000]
[#008000]I hope you were you able to get a new relay (or 4) from Checker - if not, you now know the trick to jury rig it temporarily.[/#008000]
hey, that might have been one of the rigs i lost a couple weeks ago [cool] way to go on all the kitties. I cant believe you picked up his fish lol
so did you guys talk to anyone that was picking up the wipers? I'm headed out tomorrow night looking to hook up on a few, hoping Old Coots prediction comes true [Smile]
we are out right now and so far have 2 20+ inchers in the boat using rattle trap lipless. full report later..