I don't want to speak of this but I feel I must.
Those of you with boats may not notice so much, but any who shore fish, as I do, I am
shure have noticed the out of controll trash on the shores and in the water.
The worst part is most of the trash, I believe, comes from fisherman. You find in a small
area a worm container, a few beer/pop cans, some lure packages, fast food bags &
wrapers, bundles of line etc...etc...
One morning at East Canyon I found a whole case of beer cans in the middle of which
were a lot of the above mentioned fising and fast food trash.
To all those who trash the shores, how hard is it to take what you bring back out with
you? NOT HARD AT ALL if you have even half a brain.
If any who read this are guilty and don't change your ways, I hope you get caught
and are given a big fine.
I am so tired of standing on the shore of a beautiful lake at sunrise and having to look
around at a bunch of trash.
I've noticed it as well at East Canyon and Jordanelle. I take as much out as I can but it is a never ending battle. What pigs!
So did you pick up the trash?
I used to be one of the guys taking a sack and at times garbage sacks full home each time I went. Dog slit it's foot on beer bottles broken in the river---- I'm done being the garbage man.
[mad] I can support this!!! I went to Deer Creek Monday morning, walked about 300 yards up and down the bank and probably say a half a dumpster full of beer cans and worm cartons. Ridiculous!!!
The problem goes way beyond the "no habla" crowd unfortunately. And it's not just shores, it's trails and camping sites. I went thru a campground to reach a trail Sunday and as usual the dogs found hot dogs and other crap on the ground. The folks camping spoke perfect English but are baiting the bears into campground. 3 weeks ago my dogs ran a bear out of our campsite 4 times down on Boulder Mtn despite the fact we'd yet to even take food out of the car there and had changed our clothes from dinner. I could go on and on but I suspect the pigs responsible don't read frequent the BFT site.
I can support this also. I usually go in my boat and was shocked when I went to DC to shore fish with my son and found pile after pile of garbage on the shoreline. More than we could ever pick up. Beer cans tons of worm containers and lure packages. I have to admit that the view is lots better from the boat but I still end up picking trash out of the water as I troll or travel from point A to point B. I was always taught that outdoorsman took care of the outdoors.
I know exactly what you mean. I think the main problem is lack of education . Most polluters learn from their parents and they keep passing their lack of education to their kids.Its

but true i have seen this first hand at utah lake.
If I'm inferring your meaning here you're way outta line friend. Trashing our outdoors has always been a real sore point with me but blaming one particular group is total crap. I have carried a trash bag with me on most of my fishing outings and make time to pick up some of the trash that other human trash leave behind. I still give those I see leaving trash a piece of my mind. Time was I would get physical if I had to to make them clean up after themselves but at 69 that just isn't a good idea any longer.
I have seen trash left by every ethnic group we have here in Utah and damned if us "white" (man I hate that term but to say Anglo kinda narrows the scope too much) aren't the worst offenders per capita of all.
The whole situation is a

commentary on people in general and it'll get worse if those of us who care don't step up & say something or do something about it.
You say I'm out of line for making a comment about observations I have made, and then you say the same damn thing I said. You say blaming one particular group is crap, and then you say that "white" people are the worst of all. You can't have it boths ways without sounding like a total hypocrite.