06-24-2009, 09:00 AM
Randy and I busted outta work around 4:00 and headed to Waterfront. Started working new water looking for a deep bite. After a few swings and misses, and nothing really panning out we headed out to some isolated grass near waterfront. Found a nice 50 yard stretch of hydrilla in 6 feet of water that produced 20 fish, and 12 keepers, with best 5 being 4.25, 3.53, 3.51, 3.27, and 3.1 for 17.66 lbs. All fish were caught swimming 13 inch Gambler texas rigged with a 1/8 oz weight. Never fished with Gambler baits, but needed to because of the Gambler Tournament Saturday. The water temps ranged from 86 down to 84 degrees. The warmth surprised me, but I guess the depthfinder is accurate. Sorry was in a hurry today and left the camera at home. Regardless had a blast.Shiftworker, I think we need to form a 3 lb club, because that's all we can find!