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Monroe Lake fish survey 2001 <br>--------------------------------------<br>Indiana's biggest reservoir producing lots of fish<br>----------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Summer fish surveys at Monroe Lake in south-central Indiana found healthy<br>fish populations.<br><br>"Monroe Lake continues to produce lots of fish, " said DNR fisheries<br>biologist Shawn Sapp. "Bass, walleye and wipers continue to grow well."<br><br>Preliminary analysis of survey data revealed fish growth has changed little<br>since the previous survey in 1996, and remains above average for most fish<br>species.<br><br>DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists collected 8,606 fish<br>representing 24 fish species. The majority of fish found were forage fish<br>species such as gizzard shad, yellow bass, and bluegill.<br><br>Biologists also pulled up lots of game fish. Data sheets from the survey<br>list largemouth bass and walleye weighing up to 6 pounds, wipers weighing up<br>to 12 pounds, 15-pound channel catfish and 20-pound flathead catfish.<br>Surveyed Lake Monroe crappie grew to 15 inches long.<br><br>Last year's Monroe Lake angler survey showed crappie dominated anglers'<br>catches with an estimated 70,000 fish taken in April, May and June 2000. An<br>estimated 50,000 anglers fished 229,000 hours at Monroe during these three<br>months. Bluegill, wipers, channel catfish, yellow bass and walleye were also<br>caught in good numbers. Most anglers released largemouth bass.<br><br>Monroe Lake is a 10,750 acre flood control reservoir located about 10 miles<br>southeast of Bloomington. For information on the Monroe Reservoir fishery,<br>contact Brian Schoenung at (812) 279-1215. For information about camping,<br>boat launching and other facilities, contact the Monroe Reservoir office at<br>(812) 837-9546.<br><br>Monroe Lake web page:<br><br><br>Selected fish and wildlife survey reports from across Indiana are available<br>at:<br><br><br><br>================================================<br>PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE<br>Wild Bulletin provides information about Indiana's natural resources and<br>recreation. To subscribe to Wild Bulletin go to:<br><br><br>Visit the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife website at:<br><br><br><br>