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Full Version: djbogle, Wilson Tailwaters, Stripah, 6-23/6-24, Uncle Joe
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Back during Turkey season I invited my Uncle Joe over to chase turkeys. The weather soured, so we managed to save the experience by having a drum-fest at the Nick. He called a couple of weeks ago and offered to re-pay me with a striper-fest at Wilson Dam, and SON, did he ever repay me!<br /><br />We hit the water Tuesday morning a little before 5:00 a.m., tied on a Bomber Long-A, and started trolling (my first time to troll). Within 5 minutes, BAM, I hooked up with about a 5 pounder. Seems like every pass after that we connected with fish, and about 6:30 a.m. they just quit. We eased over and tied up to the wall at #1 and picked up a few more. Stripers ranged from 4 -8 lbs., and we also picked up a couple of whites and a drum. The highlight of the day was when I was trying to get a treble hook out of a striper's mouth and it gave a big heave and drove the hook up to the shank into my hand. Don't try it for fun!! We managed to put 10 decent stripers in the live well. At 7:30 a.m. EVERYTHING quit biting, so we took the boat out, filleted a couple of the smaller stripers, broke out the Coleman, and had a fresh-fish feast. Ain't nothing better!!<br /><br />Later that afternoon we tried around Seven-Mile Island (on a tip from some other guys), and we couldn't buy a fish. Talk about the Dead Sea!<br /><br />This morning we hit below the dam a little earlier, and almost repeated Tuesday's effort. Fish were a little slower getting started, but when they turned on we had a ball until 6:30, then hit the wall for some more fun. Don't think that we had anything under 5 lb. today, and we both had one big 'un each get off. Uncle Joe had one on at the wall for at least 20 minutes only to have his Spider-wire break! I got a glimpse of it and it was at least 4' long.<br /><br />Altogether we ended up boating 19 stripers in two days, and I had a wonderful experience, and managed to get a few pics to preserve the memories.