Fishing Forum

Full Version: Lincoln Beach
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I was supposed to fish at the Knolls today with TubeDude's floatilla. However, I was unable to go as I had planned.

I did get to go fishing after members of the floatilla had decreased the catfish population on the lake. I went to Lincoln Beach to try my luck there since it is a little closer than the Knolls from my place. I didn't have the success that the group had at the Knolls, but I did have fun. I was able to catch 4 kittles and 4 white bass before leaving. I kept 2 kittles a few white bass for bait. I caught the fish with a piece of white bass topped off with a night crawler.
[cool][#0000ff]What? No walleye?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you got on the water and had some action. Better than wasting a WHOLE day on non-fishing things you can't get out of.[/#0000ff]