Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Ratman, 7 th place, Bass, 06/26/09, Antman
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For the forth time in two days we changed our plan again today. emoDoh Got out a couple hours early and decided to try a little drop shotting which was not our plan for the Ratman tonight. We got on fish right off and had a couple decent ones but Antman decided to throw a pig and jig. He right off nails a three and then a four pounder. emoEek Not too much later he rares back into his personal best spot that was 3 pound 2 ozs. He took a picture so he may post it. He had ten pounds of bass in about 45 minutes. emoDoh I said to heck with our other plan lets do this. emoBigSmile So we changed our plan again. <br /><br />Blasted off and started off hitting humps with the pig and jig and me with a worm. He nails two nice keepers right off. One on his first cast. Me on the other hand only slicks. emoConfused He nails another but it is a slick. We move again staying on the river but cannot get that third one. At about 7:30 he nails the third keeper again on the jig. Me...only slicks. emoConfused We move into the wolf looking to ungrade and he catches two or three more but only one is better at about three. Me.....only slicks. emoConfused Antman boated six keepers with the best three going 6.87 lbs. We thought we stunk it up but at weigh-in there was a lot of guys that did poor. emoBooHoo We came in 7th with our little limit out of 32 boats. All keepers on the pig and jig. I hate the pig and jig. emoBadLanguage <br /><br />Water temp was 84 to 87 today and we caught all our better fish no deeper then 18 feet. A lot of the slicks came from 25 to 30 feet. Well... c-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax