Fishing Forum

Full Version: XLDVee, Chick, Bass, 6/26/09, jonboatbully61
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Well me and Hart eased up to HBSP yesterday and got out just before the dogfight guys blasted off. We made a short run up river to a ledge and targeted some brush piles that I stumbled upon the other day. I marked fish like crazy packed in tight to the structure, but they didn't want anything to do with us. Threw C-rigs, Jigs, dd22, T-rig all to no avail. Left that spot and ran a few hundred yards to a massive shell bed where I picked up two slicks on a C-rig Sweet Beaver. Couldn't get anything else to take there, so ran up to another ledge/point and marked more fish than I have marked in a long time. Threw out a marker buoy hung up emoDoh So I had to idle back over to it and give it a little motivation hung again emoDoh emoDoh So 3rd times a charm and it finally got to the bottom, but by now Im sure my fish were sitting there looking up at the bottom of my boat and laughing. Boated a 15"er there on the first cast on a C-rig and didn't get a sniff after that. Ran back down river right at dark and hit a STEEP ledge right next to a bluff wall and picked up the Sammy. First cast, an explosion as soon as it hit the water, but missed the hookup. Couple casts later, another fish nails it a soon as it hit the water. Boated that slick, and missed a few more shortly there after. Finished up throwing those Sammys and Pop'rs til about 9:45, then headed back in to HBSP.<br /><br />All in all, had a decent evening on the water, minus a trolling motor cable breaking emoBang That knocked about 30 min of my fishing time off. But we boated a few fish, mainly slicks. Depths were from 12-25 and temps were 85-87. Fish caught on C-rig, Jig & Pig, and Sammys. Slow evening for sure, but ALWAYS better than sitting at the house!