Fishing Forum

Full Version: willard wally, wipes, crappie 6-28-09
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hit willard this morning with a couple buddies from CA got on the water around 6am or so and left at 11.
Boated 7 wipers, an eye and a crappie.
pulled crankbaits the whole time.
Good job! those fish are way nice[Wink]. Yhanks for the report!
[cool]Cool nice BAG!
Nice way to spend the day!

You guys been back up to the Pig?
trout/kokes are on hold for a day or two, willard is too close and has been spitting out some fish.
Nice fish!
Nice lookin' Walleye! I need to get up there soon. Sounds like the higher water level is making a huge difference this year.
[font "Lucida Console"][#000000]Nice pics of fish, Thanks for the post.[/#000000][/font] [fishin]