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Full Version: Palisades tributary info
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I am wanting to plan a trip over and fish indian creek and big elk creek, but it seems every year i hit it right as they blow out. Anyone have any info on how they are flowing? I am realy not sre when to head with all the water we are still getting in the preston area. any info would help thanks.
I was in Victor over the weekend and trail creek is boiling over. The water was fairly clear however. So it might be worth a try just have to put some split shot on to get down into the holes.
was it wadable i like to cross from side to side as i move upstream. I dont want to be one of those guys they find a month later under a willow tree.
I can tell you the BIG E is as slick of stream as I have ever put a foot in. Back about 10 years ago a buddy and I hit that creek perfectly. Caught fish non stop- I told him just plan on going down- don't fight it just go with it. Get it fish the hole and get out and move to the next. He didn't and he fought it all day. When we got back to the truck he was hobbling and from his ankles to his thighs he was black and blue.
i like to go up high on big elk to were its a bit smaller. I have came home with my share of bruised chins and knees though...