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Full Version: hole 33 tues june 30
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we got to the parking lot at hole 33 outlook right a sun up and hiked down. at first we fished with cut frozen sardines and got no action, so we switched to night crawlers and caught 6 channel cats, 2 good ones probably 20 inches the rest maybe 11 inch, all catch and release. on the way out we drove down another road to see where it went and spotted a coyote laying down bout 100 yards away and he ran right up to the car. i tossed a few left over sardines out and he walked up and ate them. then another one ran up outa the brush and we tossed him a few fish too. it was the weirdest thing ever. one was super skinny and looked worn out and the other looked healthy.

but yet me and my girlfriend still have not caught a striper at the lake. any other lake i have no problem figuring out but i cant seam to get lake mead to work. when you guys fish hole 33 do you fish the little bays or their mouth to the rest of the lake? do you sink your bait on the bottom or keep it moving? whole sardine or just a chunk? plain bait hook? we have tried just bout everything. we have even carried our inflatable raft to the water and have only caught catfish. can anyone help me figure out what iam doin wrong? please help
It isnt just you. I have fished hole 33 many times and been skunked. I have also found stripers are the most difficult species i have tried to catch. I think the trick is to be lucky and find them schooling or in boils. I also believe the are in deeper cooler water in the summer. It seems like you either are catching them are you are not. There are other posts talking about technique with lures and sardines. lots chum for em too.