Fishing Forum

Full Version: Oneida 7-3-09
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Went up North again and fished with my Uncle Dan and Dad. Long story short, I forgot the damn camera for the first time (its in the truck now for THE PIG in the morning), but didnt really need it. We ended up with 12 Walleye, 1 SMB, 1 Perch and Dad and I both caught (I snagged on accident) an 11 lb Carp!!![mad] NO KEEPERS, so I dont feel too bad about forgetting the camera. Again, we are headed to Porcupine in the morning for some Trout_Slayin' and Kokes!!! Will report tomorrow, hopefully with pictures.

Oh yeah, on side note (again) we did catch a 452 LB Hammer Head shark, but again we were not fishing for them so we didnt take a picture, thankfully since we didnt have a camera!!![:p][Wink]
[quote trout_slayer]

Oh yeah, on side note (again) we did catch a 452 LB Hammer Head shark, but again we were not fishing for them so we didnt take a picture, thankfully since we didnt have a camera!!![:p][Wink][/quote]
I just pissed myself!
Good to see ya around. Check your pm's.[Wink]
HEE HEE Oh well knowing you ,you probably would of held it arms length and ruined the picture anyway[Wink]
LOL! TS your a nut! There will be some awesome Eye fishing in a couple years up there that's for sure!
Good luck at Porky today...GO SLAY EM!
Smiles Always!