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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]What would you say is your all time productive fly?[/size][/#008000][/font]
the one that catches the most fish...[Wink]

seriously... today, just as the last time I fished this small stream in TN it was the wooly worm.. but.. also used a red chrominid that FG tied me a while back..


p.s. MacLarry caught a 12" LMB on a hopper fly the she also sent me.. he was stoked about it to say the least..
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Hi there MacFly see that you made it back safe & sound. Glad to hear that you got to spend some time on the water.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Lil BRO......I MISSED YOU!!!!!
Im not back yet.. fly in tomorrow.. been checking as I can but seeing as I have a slow dial up connection been limiting responses... but on this post I had to answer.. [laugh]

sis.. I have to say.. MacLarry and I both used your furled leaders and they are simply AWESOME... strong as steel yet very easy to handle and cast.. couple that with a few flies I bought for the trip and the ones you sent me and we had a blast on the water..

DR.. I tried your bipolar worm in some of the deeper water and got some good smacks with it but was never able to get any of those wary bass to try it for a snack..

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Should have known that you would not make that trip and only stay a few days. Never thought about you sending an e-mail from Tn. Didn't think that one could send a signal using just a tin can & string. LOL Sounds like you got the skunk off real good. Have a safe trip home.[/size][/#008000][/font]
LOL.. well dial up sure seems like tin cans and a string.. but Im making the best of it for sure..

NO SKUNK is right... two times on the water.. 20 plus fish each time.. had a blast both times.. each time I caught my first fish I said aloud... real loud.. NO SKUNK ON ME TODAY.. [laugh]

More fish have been brought to my net wit hares ear than anything.seems like when all else fails its the one to reach for [sly]
My modified version dont know if there is a name for it

[Image: flys001.jpg]
Right ON! Copper Johns also....OLD SCHOOL!
I like the looks of that modified hare's ear version you have.

I would have to say that hare's ear is also my most productive fly. Second would have to be wooly buggers.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Royal Wulff works pretty well then again that little Griffith gnat can get awesome results.[/size][/#008000][/font]

What is your modification?
An YES I agree....HARESEAR.
[quote flygoddess]What is your modification?
An YES I agree....HARESEAR.[/quote]
That isn't one of my best ones but before i put the turkey feather cap on I wrap horizontal hackle. I will post a better pic
So, you wrap the thorax like say a Stimulator? Or like on a Copper John?
I guess I could just wait for the picture
[quote flygoddess]So, you wrap the thorax like say a Stimulator? Or like on a Copper John?
I guess I could just wait for the picture[/quote]
yup just like that works really great and helps the fly float for a few min takes just as many fish on the surface as it does below its a wet dry fly [fishin]
I went to the pond today. Tried some Chironomids under an indicator, but noticed the fish were more sub surface.
Well, I had two rods, one with floating and the other with a Type III full sink.

I tossed out the Type III with a Kelly Galloup egg sucking sculpin in brown. Bunch of nibbles and a group of fish following it all the way in.
So, I took it off and attached good ol' Haresear in a #12.

Cast out, and start stripping the minute it hit the water.

[Image: IMG_2017.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2011.jpg]

I caught a bunch, then decided to take Baxter for walk around the park.

I later thought about it and wished I had tried the Haresear on the floating line. They were sub surface!

Oh well, good day.
[#0080ff]FG says: Right ON! Copper Johns also....OLD SCHOOL![/#0080ff]
Yup my most productive.

For a dry it would be a Royal wulff or a sparkling Crackleback then a Sofa Pillow.

One year when I fished the Gunnison Angling Societies Superfly Contest the guy that caught the biggest fish did it with a Size 10 Royal wulff fished as a wet fly. Go figure that one.
My most productive fly is an Olive Serendipity with Gold ribbing, kills em on the Provo, Weber, Green and anywhere else I throw it.
so im kinda new to this kind of fishin. do you fish a nymph or a midge with a indicator or a corkie or can you just leave them alone.
[quote metalheadhunter]so im kinda new to this kind of fishin. do you fish a nymph or a midge with a indicator or a corkie or can you just leave them alone.[/quote]

I am going to shorten this allot:

Yes and no, on the indicator, your choice and water conditions.
If you want to bounce a nymph off the bottom, and indicator is great, but you can also High stick it.
Midge can be a nymph and emerger, or a dry. Generally they are a dry meaning Gnat or a Mosquito. But there is Midge Pupa which are WD40's and Zebra's...even serendipity.
I wish it could all be that simple to help you.
I like to fish a MIDGE dry or a Cripple with a dropper of 12" to 18" off it and a smaller WD40 or Zebra.
I will also use FROG FANNY as a flotant. It is a fine powder that puts a bubble so to speak around the fly. A must with flies tied out of CDC as you don't want to use paste on CDC.
I will brush a little on the nymph turning it into an emerger (sub surface) and that works well.
If nothing is rising, the put the split shot on and an indicator and adjust the hight of the indicator according to how fast the water is moving.
In fast current, you may want the indicator almost twice as high up the leader as the water is deep. Like if the water is 3' deep and it is moving very quickly, you want to set the indicator anywhere from 4 1/2' to 6'.