Dad and I hit up Willard this morning for our last "Father/Son" trip before I ship off to Afghanistan. On the water at 0530 and it was slow to start. We noticed the Wipers boiling all over the place at around 0630 and throughout the day but could not pick one up in the boil. It was kind of funny to watch these people burn up all their gas chasing the sea gulls to where all the Wipers were boiling on the shad!!! Anyhow, we ended up trolling the rest of the day and ended up with 1 Crappie, 1 Kitty Cat, 3 Wipers and 1 Walleye, so another great day!!! For the three day weekend with Dad we ended up with 13 Walleye, 1 Crappie, 1 Cat, 2 Carp, 1 SMB, 1 Perch, 3 Wipers and 3 Kokes (Oneida, Porcupine and Willard).
Thanks for the post,sounds like a great weekend with your dad,I saw allot of the same but there where no fish boiling the seagulls where eating shad but the wipers where not hitting the surface? We ran to three on friday and after that I knew the fish weren't on the shad I stoped wasting the gas also.The terns where around and hitting the occasional shad but nothing I would call a boil,There the bird to watch out for when you think you see a boil.If there circling and diving in,there's usally wipers under the shad pushing them up.
be safe over there.
Sounds and looks like it was a great weekend. but dont you know you are not suppose to take pictures on the measuring board. than everyone know how big the fish really was ... hehe. Be safe and god speed on coming home safe.
I know what you are saying, but today there were fish boiling all over, not just where the Sea Gulls were. Only seen it a couple times before and forgot how cool it is, too bad we couldnt get any out of the boils.
Glad you could make it out again. Good luck on your next deployment! God bless you and your fellow soldiers. Please come back safely.
Last time I was up, which was on Thursday, the boils were caused by mature shad, and I think they were chasing tiny fry. I trolled through a number of them without getting bit. So, I don't think the wipers were the fish chasing the fry. Just my opinion, of course, but I clearly saw large shad breezing the surface.
Ah,Cool if you have seen them before then you know what they look like.Paddler may be right or they are small wipers,i know there is a year class that are about 10" in there right now,caught a few this year.caught one on Friday also.also the shad can't be any bigger than an inch right now. So it make sense that they would hit a kastmaster.
Go gettum brother! Nice post! I'll be hitting the Willard tomorrow, and Hyrum Tues. Any help as to the report on Oneida? I heard the small mouth action is fast right now?
Come home safe mano! Here's one from Hyrum Thurs.
God Bless you on your tour in Afghanistan and thanks for what you are doing for our country. Hopefully they will be bringing you guys/gals home soon. Starting to sound alot like Vietnam where it just kept dragging on.
God bless you on your upcoming tour and thanks for serving our country. I'm glad you were able to get out for a good fishing spree before you left.
Not bad for a weekend with Dad before you go! My prayers are with you for a safe return!...and a BIG THANKYOU for serving our country! GOD BLESS YOU!
Smiles Always!
God Bless and come home safe. We all owe you and the rest of our brave soldiers a debt of graditude for putting your lives on the line in the name of freedom. Thank You
lets just say if the date you told me you come home is true, ill meet you at the airport, things have changed....
Thank's for the great post ,And I would like to thankyou for protecting our way of life & freedom's .God bless & come back home.
Nice post Justin, glad you and your dad got to get out together before you head out of the ststes. when you get some time see if you guys need some more fishing gear over their. I'm sure we all could spring for some more stuff and send it to you. Thanks again. later chuck
hell yea! roles will reverse this time. instead of you sending it to me, ill send it to you! if you end up in Kandahar there is a place to fish by the arty batt's, i just wouldent touch anything you catch.....