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Yep. I went there yesterday and several times in the last couple of years, but If I didn't have a question I wouldn't post on it. It's just too small and fragile, my opinion only, so give me a break. [:/] Anyway, How can one go there and catch 276 zillion dink bass and have to work your bazzokas off to catch anything over 12 in, much less 16 in. ??? [:/] This is year after year. [frown] With all them small guys, there has to be good numbers of reasonable size bass there. Where the heck are they? Send me a pm of it's best. [Smile]
ah, I acutally caught lots of 12-16 (about the same number of 9-12).

But never got enything above 16, I guess it's so rare that's why they put thw 12-16 slot.
Well, -------that sounds a lot better then I do. Would you mind sending me a pm as to where you're able to catch these guys? Would greatly appreciate it. [Smile]
I have been saying it all along with those Preston Area Lakes. People need to start taking some of these smaller bass out of these lakes or there will not be enough food to go around and the fish will stay at a stunted size. I know there are limits/slots but sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands (stick a knife in their belly)!!! Sounds horrible and bad, but if we want to complain about not having good QUALITY Bass than something is going to have to give!!! Just my two cents!!!
Im just going to stick my neck out there and say that you might catch bigger fish if you didnt have a dog swimming around your tube. Sorry figured since I didnt have any good advice I would just say something.
I have a possible minor/little impact solution. I'll just let the Sparkinator have a few for a reward. [img]../../../images/gforum/laugh.gif[/img][img]../../../images/gforum/laugh.gif[/img][img]../../../images/gforum/laugh.gif[/img][img]../../../images/gforum/Wink.gif[/img]

[inline eats.jpg]
Hey bud, no problem, you must be at least a little bit right but I need to trade off letting my best fishing bud have some fun versus my selfish interests. So,--------------, I let him have some fun too. Actually, he's only out there about 1/4 of the time.
Try throwing bigger baits at them, If you throw a big swimbait. I bet those smaller ones will not be hitting as much.
You'd think that, but I was throwing a 3 1/2" swim bait and the 8 inchers kept nailing it. Silly buggers.
i am with trout slayer, my family has a small pond loaded with bass in the 8-12 inch range but you dont ever seem to catch anything bigger. I have always thought they were pobly had stunted growth. I also wonder what the changing water lvls do to them?

What's wrong with having a lake where you can catch 276 zillion bass in a day. If they aren't big enough maybe you should take up lake trout fishing or something. I for one am glad to have a few lakes where I can take a kid fishing and actually catch some fish. We don't need to break the world record to have a good time. If we want to eat a fish then we stop at Artic Circle on the way home, they have plenty of fillets all ready to go, they will even cook them for you. I know it's crazy but I checked it out for my self and it is true. If I ever see any one killing any bass under 12" I would have the Fish and Game all over them and not only would they pay a fine but they could lose their fishing privlages suspended for a year!
So I know that the bass limit for the region is 12". Weston's regulations state no bass between 12 and 16". So does that mean that you can keep fish under 12". If that's the case, I'm going to start keeping my limit of the little guys and making tacos out of them. I swear the perch in there are bigger than a lot of the bass.
I read it as you can keep nothing under 16" on Weston.
That's kind of what I've been thinking, so I've only kept perch there. That lake really needs some thinning of the small bass, so I think it would be beneficial to allow fish under 12" to be kept.

I never said that catching a trillion little guys isn't fun, heck, look at my previous posts' from last year at Glendale. I had a blast!!! I was just answering the question about why they are so small. Should you take matters into your own hands like I said? Probably not, but like someone mentioned if you don't "stick" them then just take a few home (within limits of course). And no disrespect to you or the DWR, but the day that the DWR shows up on the Preston Area lakes is the day I catch the State Record Pike out of Glendale[Wink][:p]!!! Now I will see them every time I go up there from now on LOL!!! Been going up there for 28 years now and have run across an officer twice!!!
I agree that Weston/all preston Lakes are great places to take a kid fishing with a guarantee of catching some fish. We should be happy that they actually plant bass in these Reservoirs, not complain about how small they are. I have caught a few decent bass out of all the Preston Waters, pretty few and far between, but there are a few! Don't get discouraged about catching little fish, just be patient and enjoy fishing. U should get a boat, then the dog can ride with you inside the boat and not scare all the fish away LOL[cool][cool]
[quote monstermasher]U should get a boat, then the dog can ride with you inside the boat and not scare all the fish away LOL[cool][cool][/quote]

No boat on weston ! [shocked]
Thanks for the tip, I realize you can't have boats on weston, I have fished it for about 24 years now. I was just making a joke, and referring to fishing in general not just weston.[:p]
It's funny, the first time I ever fished the Preston area, I was checked within an hour. Now that I live up here and fish it all the time, nobody ever checks me.