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14lb channel cat
caught on carp meat
bear river 2009

25"brown trout
caught on rapala
weber river

4lb smallie
caught on tube jig
pineview res.

tiger musky
30 "
caught on jointed rap

5lb largemouth
caught on 6inch lizard split shotted

26' brownski
caught on a jointed rapala
urban weber river

25" cutthroat
tube jig and sucker meat
da berry

rattle trap

24" hooky brown
weber river

24" hookjaw brown
swim bait 3"
weber river

27" brown
swallowed aTube jig
weber river

30" brown!!
munched a minnow jig
caught same day as the smaller hen above.

25" hookjaw Bow
minnow jig
weber river
broski - must admit you have some nice hogs! you are however missing a few lmbs, smb, and musky from this past summer! Oh and for sh*t sake son learn how to handle them delicate slimers! ALL I can say is this spring and summer we are gonna catch some monsters! PICS to come soon folks! Now time to wait for some warm days to turn on the spring bite
Some really nice Fish! cant wait to see what 2011 brings.

I have one challenge for you. not sure you can do it.

How about SMILE and actually look happy you caught one of those. the tough guy gansta' look is out. it's ok to show you are having a good time!.

just messin with ya. good luck this year.
[Image: 1269416543344.jpg] 17-20lb cat brbr
[Image: 7617_103518589663354_100000156394923_98141_485716_n.jpg] weber brown
[Image: 7223_103320363016510_100000156394923_925...1382_n.jpg]
Another beautiful brown
[Image: 13832_103707412977805_100000156394923_10...4010_n.jpg]
Weber bow 26 inches
[Image: 13832_103707416311138_100000156394923_10...88_n-1.jpg]
Gorgeous male bowski from the weeb
[Image: 13858_104079692940577_100000156394923_11...3734_n.jpg]
Spawning 24 in male
[Image: 7019_102451183103428_100000156394923_693...7239_n.jpg] bear river catty
[Image: 2010-09-20112938.jpg]
Pineveiw smallie
[Image: 100_0678.jpg]
Night time topwater tiger!!! 40-42in what a rush in the dark! !!
[Image: kdk_0192.jpg]
29 in brown weeb
[Image: 2011-02-28003950.jpg]
Two 15in crappie pineview
[Image: monsterbowechoweeb.jpg]
Amazing monster bow. . Weeeb look at that hooky
[Image: 2011-03-27165012.jpg]
Willard Walleye