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Full Version: TD is quiet.............
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TD has been kinda quiet. He must be working
on something................maybe some PVC stuff, maybe
something alse.
Oh $hit Im thinking out loud again.[Smile]
Anyways, I cant wait to see whats he up to now.

[cool][#0000ff]Man, what a tough fan club! If I make a lot of posts I am accused of trying to run up my post count (already pretty high). If I don't make 10 posts a day I am ignoring the board. Sheesh.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is just after 3 AM as I am typing these words. No, it's not that us old guys just gotta get up and pee in the middle of the night...well, sometimes. I am getting ready to go catch more fishies and post another report...for you guys that wimp out in the warm weather and need a fishing fix. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Tough duty, but somebody's gotta do it. And you are worth it. Heck, I might even go a couple of more times this week. I hope you appreciate the sacrifices I make just for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been busy in my "tackletorium"...making up a grundle of new jigs and flies. As my wife says, that "Keeps me off the streets and out of trouble." Also keeps me off the boards...a little.[/#0000ff]
Oh TD, YOU are the man. You keep this thing going
and we love you for it.
Best of luck today, you go and kill they tiger.

P.S: Im going tubing on wednesday, Hot or not.[Smile]

Gotts replenish the stock at some point, but it does cut into fishing time.
Me, I am still renovation, but heay...Cha ching for the winter months on the rent. And at this rate, Fall also...wahoo, looking good.

Anyway, you say "FLIES" ...what flies? Princes, haresears...COPPER JOHNS those are the summer flies for me.
"Anyway, you say "FLIES" ...what flies? Princes, haresears...COPPER JOHNS those are the summer flies for me."

[cool][#0000ff]Nah. None of that foo foo stuff for me. Nothing under size 6. Making up some boogers for big brookies and tigers. Also tying up some steelhead and salmon flies for a couple of buddies. Also making a lot of fluffy bou-jigs for a few guys that use them in the boulders and Uintas.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have also been messin' around with some popper foam bodied "Fligs"...floating jigs. Always something to keep my feeble mine occupied.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You doing any shows this year?[/#0000ff]
Thanks for asking. I am all done on the shows for the summer except I am wanted to teach a class at the V.A. That is going to be fun.
Come Fall I will be back to doing shows.
I forgot all about you Soft Hackle Buggers...In fact I still have a few. A white one with a blue stripe down the back.
[cool][#0000ff]Here's a funny for ya. One of the brookie jigs I make has a copper chenille body, and copper glitter head. The guys who favor it have nicknamed it the "Copper Pat". (Not copper John. Get it?) [/#0000ff]
Copper is good. I have a Chironomid that was KILLER at Falcon's Ledge. I called it the Copper Kettle. Not sure why[crazy]
Caught allot of 20+" trout on that thing though.
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[Smile] I knew TD is working on
something. Now the cat is out of the bag.
