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I was wondering if having a rod that is 3 or more pieces will effect anything. Will it make it break easier on a big fish?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Hey there buzzin_frog - there has been great advances made in the construction of fly rods that in my view there is probably no difference. I doubt that you will even notice the difference casting or playing a fish. I have an Orvis 4 piece Zero Gravity 6wt rod that set me back a few bucks and I would hate to think that it wouldn't stand up to a good fight.

What Dry Rod said. The connections on the rods are part of the rod making the multi piece un detectable.
However, there has been talk about the Harmonics. Odd # piece rods are suppose to be more in HARMONIC than even. I think it has to do with guide placement. On Odd # rods the guides are more where they are suppose to be.
I don't know, I can't tell the difference.
I do think, anymore, you will be hard pressed to find a GOOD two piece rod.
It is more about the packability.

AND, in all honesty....a one piece rod would still be the ultimate, but a bit harder to transport.
Funny, for too long, I was insisting on two-piece rods. When I went to Alaska a few years ago, however, my fly shop had to really convince me that 4 pieces were ok. Now, I wouldn't dream of buying a two-piece rod.

I have never broken a fly rod. Ever. And all of my current go-to rods are 3- and 4-piece from 3-weights up to 9-weights.

And now I am thinking of adding a 5-piece pack rod to the equation. My 7'6" 4-piece was just a little too long to fit where I wanted in my pack on my recent hikes. [cool]
I have a five piece, but been thinking about a 7 piece. It could fit in my back pocket.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]I have an Orvis Frequent Flyer 7 piece 8½' 3 wt rod. Works just fine for me. [/size][/#008000][/font]
I borrowed one of those when they first came out...aren't they sweet?!!!!
The price is right, but there is no warranty as with the USA Orvis rods.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]You know me, I always work Orvis for a deal. I like the folks that do their road show, real nice people. They had mentioned the warranty factor, but since I treat all my property like it cost a million I wasn't particularly concerned about the lack of one. Haven't caught a fish whose size I could mentioned on my resume, but you're right that it sure is sugar to cast.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I bought TFO two piece 7wt when I first started FF for
bass . Now I have few rods, most in 4 piece. I see no
diff. in casting.
I like the 4 piece because of the size when broked down.
I dont think I would ever buy 2 piece again.
But i still like my TFO 7wt when the wind really pick up.

[quote peter805]I bought TFO two piece 7wt when I first started FF for
bass . Now I have few rods, most in 4 piece. I see no
diff. in casting.
I like the 4 piece because of the size when broked down.
I dont think I would ever buy 2 piece again.
But i still like my TFO 7wt when the wind really pick up.


I would think that is more because of the ACTION of the rod rather than number of pieces.
My Far and Fine (one of Orvis most popular rods) is a two piece but a full flex, me, it doesn't do well casting big flies or in the wind. Like trying to do both with a bamboo. But my Orvis TL tip flex does great.
Oh yeah, Im sure its in the action of the rod. It would be
nice to have the same rod but in four pieces. I just really
like how easy it handles the wind with the interm. slime
line. I can cast that rod with the wind , side wind, front wind ,back wind, any wind[Smile].
