Fishing Forum

Full Version: XLDVee, CFF Nickajack, Slow day, 7/18, jonathanfaith2
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Well, not much to report from me after today. What a SLOW and PAINFUL day! Beautiful day weather wise, but the fish would not cooperate and refused to hit anything I threw at them. Faith and I both lost a few hookups early on in the grass on a frog. Gave that up after a while and went and fished the rockpiles. Missed one on a C-rig there. Moved to some deep points, then to some long points, then to some steep ledges, then to some more grass....all with ZERO luck. <br /><br />Finally went and found some banks with some laydowns near deep water, where Faith finally put a few fish in the boat. All small, but at least it got the skunk out. Had a really tough day as far as the fishing goes, but it was a great day to be out and had a great time with a good friend.<br /><br />As always, it was great to see everybody! Glad to see another good turnout and hope to see everyone again for the August night tourny!!<br /><br />Congrats to Damon and the rest of the money winners for bringing in some sacks on a tough day!