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Full Version: Willard Bay...slow
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On the water at 5:00 pm tried to do some evening fishing before the storms. We headed for freeway bay, drifted for a while, no bites. My son in law tried the same bright yellow gulp 3" grub that worked last week, that was not in the water 10 seconds when I hear "fish on"! Not quite what we were after, a small cookie cutter channel cat. After that no bites. Trolled all the way to the south end, wind picked up big time, turned around to troll back...NOT. Two waves came over my bow[shocked], put the poles away and increased speed to about 8 mph, just enough to keep the bow up a little and went into the South Marina to anchor and fish a little to see what the storm was going to do. It seems others had the same idea. there were5-6 boats anchored and fishing. We anchored in front of the point between the northern most ramp and the canal. Had fish on the finder constantly. 1 hour, no bites. Rain and major wind blew in, we headed out at 9:00.
I had a blast with the cats Sat. morning, fished from 0700-1030. Kept a limit to take home, fish I kept went from 1 to 2 lbs. or so. I worked the shore line along the interstate casting toward the rocks with an 1/8 oz. pink jig tipped with 1/2 crawler under a slip bobber set at 3 to 4 feet. The cats sure put up a tussle compared to the eyes I have been catching. [cool]