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Full Version: Almost canceled Christmas today
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The son and I went tubing this mornig. We have had a ball tubing and after fishing for most of the day yesterday we got up at 0400 to do it again.

Once at the lake I realized I did not have my wader belt. I figured what the hell I have done it without the belt before. I was backing the tube and myself into the lake and dropped into a pocket of water. With waders filling, I pulled on the tube and laid flat and started kicking towards the shore. My son came over and grabbed my tube and helped me to shore.

I know that I screwed up. I screwed up BIG TIME. Got home and told the wife. She is not pleased. I thought I was a gonner.

Found my belt, it will be with my waders from now on. and when backing into a lake or anyother body of water I will have the tube on before I touch water.

Gotta go, the boss is talking to me. [blush]
Glad you got out safe. As TD says should always have a checklist to follow as you go out. I always keep my stuff together in a large bag so that I have it.
Nice Save there Big Bo.
The belt thing happens all the time. I am so glad both my waders have belt loops so the belt is always there.

An Angel was on your shoulder for sure!
I keep ALL my tubing stuff in one storage box and I do
have a checklist that I check off stuff EVERY time
before I go.

Once (one of many) i went surf fishing. Got to the beach (40 min. drive),
opened rod tube and guess rod inside [blush].
Yeah, after many choice words I was on my way back home............

I learned a valuable lesson. Don`t take for granted what is not obvious. Don`t second guess.