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Full Version: ODC 420 Float tube
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Anyone know a dealer in the Denver metro area that carries the ODC 420 float tube?? I 'm looking to replace my much loved 12 year old Talon tube.

I know that Bass Pro shops has the Outcast "cat" tubes, and that is another option. The comments on the main float tube forum have me interested in checking the Creek tube before I purchase.

thanks for the help
Sorry I sure dont but I will keep my ears open
Welcome, ghost trout. I'm not familiar with that particular model, and I don't recall ever seeing one locally..

I have the Fishcat made by Outcast. I love mine! Floats high and is very comfortable and very stable.
Thanks for the welcome.

The fish cat is my other option. I came across the ODC 420 in the general float tube forum, and people who have it really seem to like it.

I don't know if Creek tubes have more prominence in certain regions. I"m not having much luck finding them here.