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Full Version: R U receiving email notifications?
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I have Qwest Internet service and for the last few days I am no longer receiving email notification when someone replies to one of my posts or sends me a PM. Is anyone else experiencing this same problem?
[#008000]Are you set up on your email service to filter spam ? Sometimes those notifications are viewed by the spam filter criteria as bulk mailings. On comcast, you had an inbox for spam and unwanted emails, If you have an inbox for spam on Qwest , check there for the notifications or, maybe you can adjust it spam filter to not include the BFT emails.[/#008000]
I have not changed any settings and there appears to be a spam folder, but I can't find anything in it.
Did you change the email address in your BFT profile to reflect the new qwest email address ?

I also have qwest and I get the email notifications[cool]
I have Qwest for several weeks now and I was receiving the email notices until a few days ago. I just changed my preferances to another email account (not with Qwest) and see if that works or not.
Since you brought this up i have stopped getting notifictions too. It happened once before if you remember and i just added the server to my contacts and it started working again am going to have to do it again.
Do you use Qwest?
We are all having the same problem. Myself, wife and daughter. My wife and I have qwest account and daughter has a hotmail account. We used to get notifications up to a few days ago also.
yea same problem here, started a couple of days ago. Nothing has changed for us. I even checked the hotmail server and its not there.
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=theangler"][#042f7d]theangler[/#042f7d][/url]
[#042f7d][Image: Aligator%20Gar.gif][/#042f7d] / Moderator (6409 posts)
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07/29/09 9:48 AM
Post #48 of 48
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Re: [kentofnsl] ANYONE HAVING EMAIL REMINDER PROBLEMS? -[#8c3030] NEW[/#8c3030] [url ""][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
Hello Kent,
We can not locate any problem so to really trouble shoot this we need ISP names, what mail service (i.e. outlook, yahoo, etc) they are checking from, as much info as possible.

Do you have * added to your "whitelist" in outlook or outlook express? It should be there so the software knows its not spam.

[url ""][Image: bftsignature.jpg][/url]

Mike H
BFT Staff
I dont have qwest but my notifications go through hotmail if that makes any difference.
I changed my email address to my work address and the email notices started arriving immediately, so the problem is not on BFT's end. Qwest also uses Hotmail. Does anyone have any information on how to go about contacting Hotmail to request that they quit blocking emails from [url "mailto:*"]*[/url]?
I notified qwest and hotmail and all they could say is we needed to add bigfishtackle to our friends list.
I went and created a new email account at google and put my new email address [url "mailto:*"]*[/url] into my preferances here and got this error
[li]You did not enter a valid e-mail address [/li]It is a loosing battle
Try using:

[url ""][/url]
[quote grzbear10]

I notified qwest and hotmail and all they could say is we needed to add bigfishtackle to our friends list.


Any chance you know how to add an email address to one's friends list? If yes, please explain so that I can try it.
Go to your Qwest Hotmail page.
Top right hand corner it says "options" click on it and it says "more options" under "Junk Mail" it will say "Safe and blocked senders" click on that one
Then click on "safe senders" There will be a box that says "Sender or domain to mark as safe: " put in and click "add to list".

"Try it, neither worked for me [mad] "
I take it back, my gmail account has sent me a "notification"
I still dont get notifications now what?
I don't receive them either. I have decided that Hotmail is blocking them before they ever reach our individual account level. I guess that we all need to try to put pressure on Hotmail to realize these are not spam messages that are being sent out to everyone from BFT.
Kent, I forgot that all of my mail notifications from BFT go to my Yahoo account, that is why I'm not having any problems with my notifications[blush]. Years ago, I decided that my server would change from time to time but that was not the case with my Yahoo account, so I put it as my contact Email account. Just a suggestion but maybe you should start a Yahoo account too[Wink].