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Full Version: Arizona Game and Fish Commission to meet on Aug. 7 and 8, 2009
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The Arizona Game and Fish Commission will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Aug. 7 and 8, 2009 at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters at 5000 W. Carefree Highway in Phoenix (1.5 miles west of I-17).

You are invited to attend the meeting in person or you can be part of a test of the new Internet streaming of the meeting. The meeting will be shown live online as the meeting is in progress. The meeting will be available on the two meeting days at:<br />
The Friday, Aug. 7 portion of the meeting begins with an executive session at 8 a.m., followed by the public meeting. Items on Friday's agenda include:<br />
"¢ Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area right-of-way access agreement - Right-of-way through State Land is needed to keep access open to the Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area in Graham County.

"¢ Right-of-way grant for a flood control monitoring system at Tufa Tank - This monitoring system will allow the department to be able to know the water level of the tank remotely and if the tank is close to flooding.

"¢ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Audubon Society for possibility of partnering for educational programs - This MOU will officially recognize Arizona Audubon Chapters as part of the National Audubon Society and allow for conservation and education program partnerships.

"¢ A briefing will be provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the status of Mexican wolf reintroduction in Mexico and whether and how reintroduction in northern Mexico might affect wildlife management and land-use practices in southern Arizona and southern New Mexico.

"¢ Time certain hunting and fishing License Revocation hearings begin at 2 p.m.

"¢ Jim Kenna, director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), will present the BLM - Arizona Strategic Goals. This presentation is for Commission information purposes only.<br />
The Saturday portion of the meeting begins at 8 a.m. with agenda items that include:<br />
"¢ Setting orders for the 2010 hunting seasons - This establishes seasons and season dates, bag and possession limits, permit numbers and open areas for spring turkey, spring javelina, spring buffalo and spring bear.

"¢ Setting orders on the 2009-2010 waterfowl and snipe hunting seasons - This establishes seasons and season dates, bag and possession limits and open areas for waterfowl and snipe.

"¢ Hunt permit-tag application schedule for 2010 hunts - This sets the hunt permit-tag application schedule for the 2010 spring hunts.

"¢ Update on the progress of the department's e-commerce activities - The update will include information for online watercraft registration renewals, license sales and big game applications.<br />
The commission may vote to take action or provide the department with direction on these agenda items. For a complete agenda, visit and click on the commission agenda link.