08-02-2009, 09:00 AM
Today was my grandaughter Lexie's day. She has been wanting to go fishing and this is the first chance we have had to catch up to her. She is one busy 12 year old. The day started out slow and it was an hour before we got the first fish. The bite was sporatic and slow. THEN at about 11 a.m. I found a pod of 5 to 10 lbers that were hungry. Lexie reeled in all the fish today. She caught two on her own and reeled in the ones that Vicki and I hung. We ended the day at noon with 12 nice ones and left the fish biting as Lexie was "starving to death" for a hamburger. Big fish of the day was 10 lbs even. I remember now why I don't like to go fishing on Saturday....the IDIOTS come out in droves. I love to put s on children's faces.