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[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]In your opinion which is the best rod for the value?
what the hell im the only one thats voted? lol, well my helios's now have a demanding lead!

But I don't think of the upper ends as being a VALUE rod but more a PROFESSIONAL rod.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Actually what I mean "for the value" is that some rods although well crafted & and cast like a dream, are way over priced. Heck I think that the Lexus is way over priced.[/size][/#008000][/font]
do you drive a Lexus? [Smile]

This pole is kind of hard to vote... I dont have a big collection of rods to choose from.. lol.. I voted Sage since that is one of the two best rods I have.. the other is a Rivendell switch rod.. both are very "cost effective" but well made rods..

[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]No I don't, I drive an Infiniti EX 35.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]BTW my first rod was an inexpensive Fenwick Eagle. It's over 20 yrs old and still performs well.[/size][/#008000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3] It cost about $100 then so with inflation I guess it wasn't that cheap.

lol.. I didnt think you were a Lexus guy.. [laugh]

remember.. my first rod/reel was/is a 20.00 walmart special.. its like a Timex.. takes a licking and keeps on ticking.. lol..

MacFly [cool]
[quote Dryrod][center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Actually what I mean "for the value" is that some rods although well crafted & and cast like a dream, are way over priced. Heck I think that the Lexus is way over priced.[/size][/#008000][/font]

I don't see BAMBOO, Winston, Upper end ORVIS, SAGE, T&T, etc as a VALUE, but I do think they are worth the higher dollar.
#1. Made in America, and not an assembly line. #2 the time and technology of coming up with new tapers and action. and #3. The quality and hardware.

As far as the TAPER and ACTION. USA company's come up with it then in return, the Asian market COPIES it and has them ASSEMBLED at a very reduced price considering the ones assembling, probably have no idea what they are and make WAY below our minimum wage.

BEST VALUE ROD in that case....Bill Oyster Bamboo. Look that one up.[Wink]
I see your point sis.. but then again I dont see my sage launch as a high price rod.. its of medium cost considering other models out there by sage, and winston, and orvis, and etc.. by that I mean it is a cost that I can justify to myself and my banker :-).. and get, as you said, a high quality rod, for what I consider a very reasonable price..

same thing with the rivendell... I know if I had gone with fully assembled it would of cost me 2 - 3 times as much.. but.. as luck would have it MOJO and I worked a deal for the kit and I have a second.. higher quality rod for a reasonable (again.. one I can justify to my banker) price..

to me.. both rods are a great value (cost vs quality)... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]I have previously looked at Bill's rods and they are certainly an item one would want to have in their arsenal. The engraving alone has got to inflate the cost considerable. Just like what you would find on a fine on a double shot gun. Aesthetically in has nothing to do with the way the gun or rod handles but you look good doing your thing.[/size][/#008000][/font][Image: bobwink.gif]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]I really don't know which manufacturer makes the best fly rods. I have 6 of the brands listed and I like them all, although not all perform equally well. If you go by the numbers then Sage has it hands down. They hold 75 world records whereas the next brand is 24. As I see it if the rod feels good, casts to my expectations, handles fish well and is good looking then to me I have the best rod. That same rod in some ones else's hands might get low marks. As the old saying goes "to each his own".[/size][/#008000][/font]
Absolutely Mac. Everyone has their VALUE. I was lucky that I worked for ORVIS and scored many HIGH PRICED (T3, TL, Zero, Helios and BAMBOO) for a VALUE for sure.

As far as the Oyster. That is my dream, but he has graciously invited me back east to MAKE MY OWN with his help. How cool.
I got to just go for it.
absolutely agree on that... but.. I think we all will admit or agree that the higher end manufacturers that you have listed in the poll (spelled it right this time).. are the ones most anglers lean toward simply because of the quality.. the guarantee.. etc.. these are the companies, as FG put it, work to make the product the best and not get caught up in mass production.. but.. even the higher end rod manufacturers realize there is a huge market out there for guys like me who are looking for a high(er) quality product at a good value (good price)..

you mentioned sage .. didnt they just release a new series of rods.. the bass rods I think.. that are not only in price range that is reasonable.. but is geared toward a specific species of fish (and one that is not the traditonal fly fishers species of choice).. my point being is that manufacturers are "listening" to the consumer more and working hard to make quality product that meets the needs of those consumers.. and to me that is a very important consideration when looking to buy a new "toy" .. [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
I know what you mean by getting a great deal.. heck you have gotten me some in the past..LOL.. the sage I have is one I got not long before they jumped up in price a little.. but even with that jump it is still in a price range that the average angler like me can afford and get a high quality product at the same time...

as for my MOJO rod.. there is no better rod on Gods green earth than that one.. hands down.. and you know Im not talking cost here.. but the story and workmanship that is behind that rod.. [Smile]

as for those oysters.. all I can say is AWESOME... yes.. you are paying for the workmanship.. but I tell ya what.. if I could afford it I sure as heck would look seriously at one.. I mean come on.. if its good enough for a peanut farmer.. its got to be good enough for me.. [laugh] I can see it now.. MacFly55 engraved in silver.. and it only cost me 2 grand to do it.. [Smile]

if I were you sis.. Id do what I could to make the time to go visit him and let him help you make your own.. and take MOJO and Baxster with you.. I can see it now.. the end of the cap would be an engraved profile of Baxster.. [Smile] instead of the presidential seal.. AWESOME... !!!!
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]Will he let you slide on the $1390 fee to attend his work shop?[/size][/#008000][/font] [Image: surprised.gif]
Let's just say, what goes around comes around, and it was my come around.

There is a You Tube where he is casting over 100' with one of his bamboos.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Well in that case you better start packing. lol
if that is the case you got any room in that suitcase for me.. LOL..

I look at it this way.. how often would you or MOJO get a chance to take a class with a master craftsman like that.. and the price.. well from the sounds of it.. its one of those once in a lifetime deals that ya just cant pass up.. :-)

MacFly [cool]