
] Fished Starvation with crankem the last 3 days. Had a great time, weather, fishing, and company were all great and the power squadron was almost non-exhistent. Caught lots of fish mostly from 18 to 35 feet on bouncers. Biggest fish for the weekend were a 14 inch hog of a perch, a 3lb smallie, and a 28 in walleye guessing around 9 lbs. Got a pic of the perch I'll try and post tonight. Were each fishing in our own boats first 2 days and taking photos like that isn't nearly as easy as TD makes it look. Had problems with cell phone camera yesterday on the big wallie and after a few tries we decided the fish was getting too stressed and let it go.
Nice job, I will be trying to track down Roger tomorrow because I cant get a hold of him on his cell. I am glad he had someone to fish with because I was unable to get out the past few days. A 9 pounder?wow!!! I wish I was there!!!!!!! who caught the big one?
If you want to find Roger show up at the camp ground around 6:30AM and he'll be getting ready to go. I'm sure he'd be glad to see you. Big fish as is ussually the case, was a team effort.
Congrats again Todd on the big fish! Looking forward to getting up there with all of you in the next few weeks.
Chad Miller
Fished with crankem yesterday and did ok. We were in the same place that you guys were fishing but did not catch many walleye. Perch were hard to keep off in a few areas. Also did not catch any of the small walleye that I have been seeing lately, The fish were all over 17 inches but nothing over 22. Going back out today and I am going to do a fish fry shore lunch too bad your still not out here!!
Hey Kelley.....glad to hear you and Roger are finding a few fish. This summer has been a busy one between tournaments and work but I can't complain. Hope to see you up there at Starvation one day these next few weeks!
Chad Miller
You do know its not Kelly right??????, but thats ok Brad I dont mind when you guys refer to me as rogers next door neighbor hahaha. Went out today but got there late and was not able to hook up with crankem or any fish at that. Got blown around in that drift boat for about 2 hours till i got sick of fighting the wind. I would have rather been sleeping off my hangover instead of rowing it off ya know. Let me know when you are going to make it out in this area I will be fishing a few more weeks but I have some deer scouting I need to do and get my butt back into shape.