[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
At a recent auction, I bid on a 5 wt 8½ custom rod as I didn't own one of that wt. So I bid $35.00 and since I was the only bidder the rod was mine. Not wanting to buy another spool I used my old S&A reel with 6 wt line. It casts quite nicely. 45 to 50' isn't a problem. That is about the max that I dare cast in my yard without hanging up on my garage roof or trees. Looks like I got a good deal. [/size][/#008000][/font]
[inline "5 wt.jpg"]
Very nice. MAN that reel looks brand new!
Have you try the PENNY test? Is it Fast, Medium fast, or medium action.
I am guessing not slow as you mentioned the 6 weight line.
Nice reel seat! Heck you scored big time!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
Feels like a medium as most of my rods are in that category. The reel a S&A 4/5/6 is 20 years old as is the Cortland line. I only use this reel to practice in my yard. Don't want to have a good line rubbing on the concrete. Would you believe that the line still doesn't coil. Oh I was using a furled leader which makes the tippet turn over really nice. BTW not quite sure what you mean by the penny test. Will a dime work? lol [/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
Quite an interesting site. Will have to read the whole subject once I had lunch. I mean it reads like "War & Peace" lol[/size][/#008000][/font] [font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]OMG how do you find all this stuff?[/size][/#008000][/font]
looks like you scored big time mi amigo..
where do you find all of these auctions.. lol..
[quote Dryrod][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][.img]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif[/img]Quite an interesting site. Will have to read the whole subject once I had lunch. I mean it reads like "War & Peace" lol[/size][/#008000][/font] [font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]OMG how do you find all this stuff?[/size][/#008000][/font][/quote]
ME! you find all this good reading! This is something we have used for many years. Basically just cause it says a weight on the rod doesn't mean that is what weight line you need.
My drummer (G$) has found new life in his old rods by using this system.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
At my fly club. I hate paying full retail for anything.[/size][/#008000][/font]
talking about finding deals i was up north last weekend and stopes at a small baitshop up there..the owner had 2 lamiglass 8 wt 9 1/2 foot fly rods on the rack..i walked out with both of them for 100 dollars..must be the time of year for deals
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]
One of these days I'm going to hit the yard sale circuit. Many folks are looking for painting, crystal and the like hoping to steal a deal. When it comes to fishing equipment, usually the seller hasn't the slightest clue that they may have a few gems on hand. Anyone else have a story about a rare find?[/size][/#008000][/font]