I'm going to Strawberry Reservoir this evening. I've never fished there before and just wondering if I can get some tips so me and the kids can have some fun. We'll be fishing from a boat. Any recommendations on bait/lures, how to rig the line, depth, etc. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome to BFT. I will give you a few ideas, but with all of the folks who fished it yesterday; hopefully, some of them will give you some tips. I prefer to jig. My most frequent colors are white, black and shades of the two. I use tubes this time of year from 3" to 4" long. I make my own jigheads that weigh between about 1/16 ounce to 3/8 ounce and use the heavier size if there is any wind. Tip the jigs with a small chunck (no larger than 1/2 inch long unless it is the tail of the minnow and then it can be a little longer) of minnow. 1/2 of a crawler will also work, but I usually have better luck with minnows. Try fishing water between 35 and 45' deep, and you will probably catch most of the fish near the bottom. Fish vertically and also try casting and letting the jig sink to the bottom. After it hits bottom take a couple cranks on the reel and let it sink to the bottom again. Repeat the process until you have reeled in. If the children are too young to fish jigs you can resort to fishing PowerBait off of the bottom. With PB use leader 18 to 24" long, with weight above the leader to hold it on the bottom. I prefer to use a clear bubble full of water and BB shot below the bubble. Use balls of PB of no larger than 1/4 inch. It is easier to release the fish with PB if one fishes with a single hook, but be aware that even with a single hook many of the fish will swallow the bait and one will need to cut the leader to release the fish.
my go-to lure for strawberry would be the crip-lure special kokanee and trout lure made by shasta tackle always pull out some nice sized one with those and for some strange reason also it will pull out alotta chubs ?? well there good for bait [
