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Full Version: Pineview smallies?
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Ok, am getting desperate. Been watching for some positive reports on smallies at the Pine. [Image: icon_sad.gif] Very very little reporting. That area used to be one of my favorites but over the last few years it seems to have really turned off. Haven't gone this year yet because I've been discouraged and had to resort to LM. [Image: icon_sad.gif] Was hopping for some kind of indication of good fishing.
Thus this post. Please, please someone give me an idea whether to give it a try. Don't need to know your spots, have some of my own, if you want to give it up, so much the better. Anyway, just someone, the more the better, tell me how it's going, please?
Still think the Tigers are eating them up, even when the "experts" say different. [Image: icon_evil.gif]
Well Leaky the only thing I can relay to you is this diver I know a couple of weeks ago was diving off the beach they call 'Wind Beach' (think'n it's by Rattle Snake Creek) .

Anyway my diver-friend told me the water was really clear and he saw a whole lot of 'large' SMB. So they're in there. He also was surprised at their size.

When we went to PV a week or so ago...picked up dink SMB no larger than 9" fish'n off some submerged brush along Cemetery Point. Even trolling had SMB take our Musky lures...nothing of real size though.

Leaky...just get out there and 'do-it'. I'm sure you and Sparky will find them SMB. You've done it in the past so don't doubt yourself. If anyone knows PV 'Smallies' its YOU my friend!! [Wink] [Wink]
SM fishing has been slow this year. My theory is there are too many small perch. I saw clouds of fish on my FF so I took a look with my aqua view. There are millions of small perch in Pine View. I think the SMB are getting there fill of them so they won't hit an artificial lure to often but they are still in Pine View. UDWR needs to stock more tigers I guess to control them. I think another good way to control them would be to stock wipers in Pine View. Lets E-mail the UDWR for suggestions.