[font "Times New Roman"]I got my new ODC Classic Wednesday. Over the last couple of days I tuned her up. I added my Eagle 480 fish finder, but it is able to go back to the float tube in seconds. I added rod holders and oar holders. I have yet to put it in the water but I plan on doing so very soon.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]On this upgrade the transducer tube rotates out of the water and on to the tube in case of rocks. The front rod holder slides on and off but locks with the foot peg. Also the active rod holders are all on unions so I can angle them any way I want. [/font]
The fish finder also pins but I added a plastic pipe to protect the metal pipe and to uses to pin it with the foot peg pin. The FF is rock solid and I like it a lot. I won't be flopping around. The bracket that I clamped the plastic pipe to the metal one is one I made my self after looking for a while I didn’t see anything I liked. I like this system a bunch. The only thing I might do different is add a little height to the FF but I will see how it goes. I added a dry box for the battery and to store other items. Ron
That looks quite good, like TD says the test will be on the water. will you be taking a net?
I always take a net, and I still need a sushi board. I have been looking around in the youth ranch for a couple of tote lids. Ron
Well if you don't find any I might havve one that you could have, just PM me.
Heading for Oakley Res this morning With a friend from Buhl. He nevver been there and wants to take his boat and go exploring.
[cool][#0000ff]Looks like a lot of planning and work has gone into your new setup. Looking good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I suggest you find a puddle somewhere that you can float your new rig and check out how it rows and how easy it is to access everything.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One observation I can make is that you may find the front rod holder a bit farther out than you like. You will throw your back out by continuously having to bend that far forward to access that rod. I have kept revising my "baitrigger" setup until I now have the rods within easy reach while remaining comfortably seated. More better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably the main reason I have opted to stay with float tubes is the whole "convenience" thing. My few trips with my most recent pontoon...an Outcast Cougar...were very frustrating when it came to having to rotate around and keep stretching and reaching to access everything that I was accustomed to having closer at hand.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, with your newfound passion for floating moving water, the toon will likely provide more safety and stability...and more options for carrying more gear for overnight stays, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep up the good work and I hope you are able to refine your system so that it is more of a joy than a frustration.[/#0000ff]
Looks great. Your holders and stuff look so strong and sturdy. All my stuff looks and feels like it will fall apart at any second. And usually it does.
Looking great Ron. Only one question for you- Are you
sure that your FF is not going to be in your way (right
leg).It may look ok when you just sitting in your toon
at home but on the water in a heat of the moment........
Peter, that is my observation also. Myself, I would have mounted the FF up on the frame more with a flatter mount so the oars clear, and mount the transducer in the back. I don't think I would like it right next to my feet. When the wind kicks up, your feet are all over the place.
Looking good though, this is just my opinion.
Nice Pimp job! I mounted my FF in front also at first, but it was in the way. I eventually mounted it on top of the battery box and tucked it in next to the seat. Works great.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw it. Why not put it on top of the toon? or at least out of the way?
I was trying to find a location on top but everywhere I thought about looked like the oars would hit it. Pontoons look like they have a ton of room but they don't. If a guy plans to use the oars then your options are not that good. Mounting a fish finder above the rim is tough to do with the oars. Like TD already knows this ride is geared for river trips for river cats. I almost didn't even worry about the fish finder but I would feel naked with out it.
The FF could be in the way I am going to have to take it out to see if it will be a problem. It didn't feel like a problem sitting on grass but it is always different on water.
On my float tube the front rod holder is mostly for holding the active rod while I am dealing with a fish. But when a guy thinks about moving water I might not be able to hold the rod as much as I did with the tube. Again it doesn't feel too bad but we will see. I am going to try to get out on a small lake near my house to get a feel for everything. Ron
I don't see any problem with the rod holder. I had one on the corner of my foot rest. As you said, just a third hand thing.
The Fish Finder, Frames are all similar as far as where the oars are. The toons are the only difference. Different cut for rivers or still waters.
I have mine mounted to the foot peg.
I used a RAM on mine and it is totally out of the way of everything, but the TRANSDUCER is what I see causing problems.
Can't you come up with a clip of some kind for the transducer and mount it on the bottom of the shelf in the back?
Ya putting on the back would be easy enough for sure but What problems do you foresee? Is it FF reading problems or the transducer would be in the way problems. The transducer is made so that I can roll it up and out of the water in case I am in rocks or shallow water. Ron
I don't know if there would be any problems as far as reading. I don't think so, I just know there are times when a storm hit that my legs are brushing the side of the toon. I just think if it is behind you that can't happen, but you sit in it. If it is completely out of the way then cool.
Plus fish do swim underneath you.
I think the neatest transducer mount I have seen was a Bicycle Kickstand. Flip it up out of the way. Just thought of that.
have mine right under my seat and it's fairly reachable if I need to check things.
[inline "IMG_3797 (Small).JPG"]
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Got theses shots last time out and you can see how I mounted my FF with the RAM and it is totally out of the way of oars and legs:
![[Image: IMG_1469.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/Lake%20C/IMG_1469.jpg)
I like how the ram mount brings it up away from you leg. that is a great gear bag. Ron
My 'ducer mount. For launching and shallows, I can just slide it up and out of the water:
You probably can't tell from the photos but the tee fitting is slit and the vertical tube is free to rotate and slide up and down.
...and my fishfinder mount using an old mono spool:
[quote SHigSpeed]...and my fishfinder mount using an old mono spool:
[.IMG][url "http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t177/shigspeed/Fishing/Tube%20Mods/P1050076.jpg[/IMG]"]http://i160.photobucket.com/...s/P1050076.jpg[/IMG][/url]
[.IMG][url "http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t177/shigspeed/Fishing/Tube%20Mods/P1050075.jpg[/IMG]"]http://i160.photobucket.com/...s/P1050075.jpg[/IMG][/url]
I love that old mono spool idea ! All kinda stuff can be
mount with that [
