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Good luck to you fellow archers out there. Hope the next few weeks treat you well. Hopin' to finally get a wall hanger this year.
Thanks, Hope you can connect this year... Im leaving after im done with just for the weekend.. Then back out tuesday threw sunday.. Ill post what i get if anything at all
Enjoy to others as well
Good luck to you guys to and the rest of you out there. Saturday was a slow start, but still have a few weeks to find them. TO BAD about the DANG COWS EVERY WHERE ON MONTE
Dont forget about all the maggots (Sheep) too. [mad]
You think the cattle mess them up? I know the sheep will screw an area bad but we have trail camera pics with herds of elk standing in ponds with 20+cattle in and around the pond...doesn't seem to bug them at all!!! Good luck out there anyway!
We took home 2 elk this weekend and had another great oppurtunity but the smart young lady didn't want to take a shot she wasn't comfortable with! The traffic was pretty slow at the water holes with the rain and ice cold weather up here though! It was 30 degrees at my camp on sunday morning! I haven't found an arrow worthy buck yet but i feel it coming!!!

Anybody have any great stories yet?
A couple of pics of my friends deer that he shot yesterday. Don't ask me any details since I will not respond. It was in the northern region on public ground. The deer scored >180 after it was rough scored yesterday. About 25" wide and equally high and heavy. The fork lengths were amazingly long.
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I wish someone would let the deer and elk know that they hate cattle. I wouldn't have to feed near the amount of hay I feed every year. There was 4 small bucks in with my cow herd just last weekend. Good luck to everyone.
Awesome Buck!!!
Take it easy, I just don't think it helps out having cow's and sheep to compete for food. Ya maybe 20 cows won't effect it as much as having a couple hundered cows. Think about it.
Yea the weather on the opening weekend really was horrible up in my area! lighting storm all night friday then 2" of snow on top where I hunt sunday... really kept everything from moving around at all.
That is a great buck Scott! Tell your buddy congrats.

I wasn't able to close the deal this year, but came close to a nice buck. Maybe next year! Still fun to get out. I may get in on the extended hunt, but it's time to focus my efforts on birds.
Just returned from our archery hunt, the better half took a cow the first evening, and my dad (82) took a cow from the same waterhole the next evening. It went dead for a couple days as I had a grandson, then my oldest son sit the waterhole. The fifth evening a young friend of ours hunting with us sat the same water and took a nice cow. There were a couple small rag horns and a nice 5X5 using the hole as well but no spikes. This seemed to be the only water hole in our area that they were using during shooting hours, they seemed to be nocturnal on my other stands. I was glad dad was able to make the 1400 mile trip from back home to join us, this was his 59th elk and it was nice to have 4 generations hunting together. The only picture we got was when our friend took a picture of my wife's elk the first evening. Now it's time to look forward to our WY. hunt.[cool]
Sonds like you got some fresh elk meat until your Wyoming hunt. I have to delay my wyoming cow hunt a week or so because my office is having the annual inspection the 19-21 Oct. Nice going and even better getting younger hunters out there with you....
Well my buddy Colt was the first of our group of hunters to draw an anybull tag. We scouted most of the summer and saw some monster bulls and a lot of good bulls. Thursday night he decided to launch an arrow! He stuck his first branch antler bull at 40 yards and it crashed 80 yards away! He wasn't a monster but for sure a great archery bull... 56" wide 6x7, with 51" beams. He's probably about 315-320, just a rough guess! It was an awesome year should be my year!!!
I think that is a great bull, and he should gross more than 320. Congrats to the hunter and great pictures. Let us know what the score ends up to be.
I agree with PackFan, You're probably looking around 340ish as he should be scored non-typical with that G1 that splits. A great bull with the bow.
That is one awesome bull!! nice job on the giant elk....
This thread gets me pumped...... and a NICE JOB!!! to all you feather flippers!! I still need to blast my first bull before I start trying archery!! I give you my respects.
Wow. Colt just got the call from the taxidermist. He had a guy come measure it and it grosses 353!!! So i was way off or the measurer was haha!!! I'm not sure i've ever misjudged and elk that bad! I'm curious to see how much it shrinks in the drying period. He's having a shoulder mount done, hopefull it will turn out awesome!!!
That's a sweet bull man. I love the big wide bulls [cool]
Congrats to your buddy!