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Full Version: Coastal fall chinook regulations take effect Aug. 1
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SALEM, Ore. -- As fall chinook season approaches on Oregon's coastal rivers and streams, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is reminding anglers that temporary regulations go into effect on many of these waters beginning Aug. 1.

For a second year in a row, biologists are predicting weak returns of fall chinook to coastal rivers and streams.

"We've tried to craft some recreational fishing seasons that maximize fishing opportunity while still protecting weak stocks," said Ron Boyce, ODFW ocean salmon/Columbia River program manager.

This year, ODFW biologists have set river-by-river daily and seasonal bag limits based on the relative strength of the predicted return to that river. Harvest limits range from one wild adult chinook per day and two fish for the season on rivers with weak stocks, to two fish per day and 10 for the season on rivers with more robust populations.

In addition, there is a seasonal limit of 10 non fin-clipped chinook salmon for all waters (Northwest and Southwest coastal rivers and open ocean terminal areas at the Elk and Tillamook rivers). This seasonal bag limit does not include the Buoy 10 or Columbia River fisheries.

Three fisheries, the Nehalem and Winchuck rivers and the Chetco terminal area, will be closed to the harvest of chinook salmon.

The coastal fall chinook season for rivers and streams begins Aug.1 and continues through the end of the year.

Anglers can see a complete description of the temporary regulations by going to the fishing page on the ODFW Web site