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hey all you wiper fanatics, i was just wondering if any one had ver hooked into a wiper on the fly? the fellow at the local fly shop said it is more fun than bass, i would love to get one on top water poppers, so keep your eyes out for those boils, and let us all know when they start to happen.
I used to catch wipers on my fly rod all the time at Willard. We would go out on are kickboats and do pretty good. We would use to methods. Use #3 sink tip line and a white or silver zonker. Cast your line out and strip the rest of your line out and start kicking around the lake. Try and keep your fly off just off the bottom. If you find a school of them start casting and stripping your fly in. Another fly that works real good is a rattlin rainbow. You used to be able to buy them at anglers inn, I do not know if they still sell them. The other method was to chase the boils which can be diificult in a kick boat, but can be done if you are in the right place at the right time. An electric motor makes it alot easier. We would launch from the north marina at first light and get into some huge boils that lasted close to an hour long. If you see birds diving and fish jumping get to the area as quick as you can. Start casting a white popper on floating line into the boil strip it in fast, and be prepared for a great fight, and some great fishing. Wipers on a fly rod is about as good as it gets. Hope I helped and good luck.
I've hooked two musky with the fly rod. Neither battle lasted even a minute before they had me wrapped up in the willows and brush. Mabye if you hooked it in open water you might have a chance.