Fishing Forum

Full Version: 2cleanron, Chickamauga, LM & SM, 08/15/09, Trev & Gaddie
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The boys and I launched out of HBSP about 6:00pm this evening, what in the world where we thinking! emoScratch I have never seen so many idoits in my life. These pleasure boaters with 36 'to 40' boats running in I know 3' of water, one finally notice what he was doing and just turn dead right in front of boats that where already just trying to get out of there way! It is a wonder that more people are not hurt on the water. Sorry for the rant and rave. Back to the fishing report, we finally got in some protected waters and caught a few fish on Jigs and Worms. Water temp. was 86 Degs. , Trev had a nice 3lbs SM & LM both on Jigs. Called it quits about 8:30 pm. We where fishing our last stop in CFP when all of the CFF Members blasted of for the night Tx. Looks like thre was a pretty good turn out of boats. Trev and I are going to make one of the Tx one day, I just can't see well at night. Hope everyone gets back safe and sound with a big shack!