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Full Version: I got a friend of mine hooked
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I took a friend of mine to park to show him how to
cast a fly rod (not that Im great but......).
He did really awsome for the first time out in the park
and now his hooked.I told him that he can use my stuff
for now because I have more then a nuff but he wants to
get his own rod and two reels and a FLOAT TUBE as
well. Im happy because now I will have a good friend of mine (more like a best friend) to go FF and tubing with.
I just tought I share[Smile]

Sounds great. It is always fun to have a friend to fish with. I showed a friend all the mods being done on toons and he got really excited. Turns out he has two toons and was a little put down after his last time out and blown across the lake and a small mishap that destroyed two bladders. After I showed him mine and others he ordered two new bladders and covers as well as two motor mounts. Then he went to work on the rod racks. Now he can't wait to get out and fish with them again.[cool] We hava trip planned next tuesday to the Uinta mountains.
[quote albinotrout]Sounds great. It is always fun to have a friend to fish with. I showed a friend all the mods being done on toons and he got really excited. Turns out he has two toons and was a little put down after his last time out and blown across the lake and a small mishap that destroyed two bladders. After I showed him mine and others he ordered two new bladders and covers as well as two motor mounts. Then he went to work on the rod racks. Now he can't wait to get out and fish with them again.[cool] We hava trip planned next tuesday to the Uinta mountains.[/quote]

Oh wow, that is very cool man. And you did not
even know that your friend is a "tooner" deep down
Best of luck on tuesday. Post a report and pictures
