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I finally caught a white bass out of the Jordan River. After catching about 100 little mudcats I hooked him. He was just a little guy, but I was kind of excited about it anyway. A friend told me that when you catch a white bass you should cut it up into chunks and use it for bait and the catfish go crazy for it. I didn't get a chance to try this as it started pouring rain right after I caught him and I headed home. I hope everyone is having good fishing out there.
There are lots of them in there. Were you by the pumphouse? If you throw out a small jig you will get more. None get too big near the pumphouse, but farther downstream they can get some decent size. They do make good bait for the larger channels, but near the pumphouse you cant keep any bait on before those little mudcats steal it.
I was downriver from the pumphouse, just a couple hundred yards from the bridge. I was just using a worm and a bobber. What kind of jig would you suggest using? I also have heard that white bass make for good eating. Anyone have a recipe?
yuck !!!!! Jordan river fish are probably the only ones I wont eat, not ever, not even a walleye and I have caught a bunch of them in there. I just let them go back into the water and dont think twice about eating them. If you do, I would cook the crap out of it. Try a beer batter and deep fryin it that might be the only way to cover the taste of swamp. I have heard of some brave fellows eating them. They also lived on the shores of the Jordan river. I remember one guy in particular was watching me fish and I whacked a slaber of a white bass probably about 15 inches long. As I went to throw it back he got really mad at me and said he wanted to keep it and eat it for dinner. He also said that was the biggest white bass that he had ever seen. I gave it to him and he was very thankful. I still think that it was ok on the legal side of things because I was at his place of residence.......LOL