08-25-2009, 09:00 AM
Yesterday morning started out looking to be a good morning.The 1st spot which was a hump in 20ft of water.The 3rd cast out I hooked up on what I though was a good fish.But when it came up to the top,it was a slick.Had to get the slime off my C-rig before I made anymore cast.It seemed that the hump I was fishing had nothing but slicks on it because that is the only type of fish I caught there.So I moved to my next spot which was a mussel shell bed.I had a few hits on the C-rig but I was getting a little trigger happy and missing hookups emoBang .My C-rig I was using was a berkley gulp worm in a red bug color.The last spot I was fishing was the grass flats around the islands.Had pretty good luck there.I saw baitfish several different times on the top of the water.I caught a few good bass in that area until 2 jet skis showed up and ran 20 yards in front of my boat right where I was casting.Needless to say this made me mad emoBadLanguage ! Then 20 mins later this blonde on a jet ski came whizzing by me and the bank. I started to call the TWRA but I did not know if it would have helped any because I did not know the law on what the min distance was that the jet skiers had to stay away from fishing boats.Overall it was a good day of fishing.I caught most of my fish on blue n chrome rattle traps and the biggest being about 5lbs. I will be glad when it cools off because those jet skiers really get on my nerves.