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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]There seems to be more varieties of grip & reel seats than rods themselves. So what is your preference?[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline "Fly Rod Custom Grips and Reel Seats_jpg.jpg"]
[center][inline cork.jpg]
my choice is reverse half well, half well or cigar.
My TFO has full well and I really don't care for it. The spey rod...well that is a different story.

Can't see the letters well, but "F" and the last one on the right.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Sorry about that FGD. You should be able to read the letters now.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Okay, F & M. I don't see a CIGAR though.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]I prefer # 1 & C or a more tradition cork.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Old Fenwick style!
[center][Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]You've got that right.[/size][/#008000][/font]
uuuhhhmmmmm I like the ones that are on my fly rods.. [crazy]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]That's fine - but which cork grip & seat do you have?[/size][/#008000][/font]
I gots to be honest and say I am comfy in my recliner and have not gone and grabbed my fly rods to double check.. [crazy] .. kind of a long day at work.. but Ill check and report back... soon.. [Smile]

F and M all the way and nothing alse [Smile]
thank you for asking, Im going to sleep now [Smile]

I am betting your Sage is F or M.
Now reel seats...I like first... the rings, secondly would be down locking but most my rods are up locking
My custom rods are down locking.
[signature] is my best shot..

my 5/6 wt shakespeare has an e handle.. with down locking reel seat like 1

my sage has an m handle with uplocking reel seat lik 1

now here is the hard one.. my rivendell swithc mojo rod has an L handle with what looks like a shorter e (4 -5 inches) but all one long top handle and a butt similar to b but short (its about 4 inches long).. and an up locking reel seat with double rings.. (its awesome.. )..

MacFly [cool]
based on your pics i choose 1E. i am a larger then average guy and i like to have my entire hand wrapped around the cork.... for me it feels like i have more "feel" that way
definatly #3 i like a but to rest on my fore arm exspecialy when fighting fishand the longer top allows for more rod control..just my oppinion
I rest the butt of all my rods against my forearm when fighting big fish or if I am tired (allot of fish caught).
The fighting butt is nice in that respect, but I only have the fighting butts on my 8 weights and my Spey.
All other rods the half well except that TFO which IS 10' long and of course the Joan Wulff which is a full well with a thumb dent.
now this is gonna sound silly but got to ask.. I just looked on line at the Joan Wulff that you referred to (or one similar to it).. and it said these rods are made for women only (because of the smaller diameter grips)....

I kinda like the idea of a thumb dent so that you always place it in the right spot.. sooo with that in mind are there grips made with a thumb indent for men to use on their rods???

if not.. seems kind of sexist to me.. [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]I don't like the shape of the cork grip on her T series.
oh now you are getting technical.. isnt is a smaller reverse half well grip.... just smaller for, as they say, women to be able to grip it easier..??


Im just curious as to why there are no grips with the thumb indent feature for men as well??

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]So you like the "C" grip?
What is your preference on the reel seat?[/size][/#008000][/font]
