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Full Version: Anything happening at Comins Lake?
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Hi guys,
Fred K. here from the Utah forum. I've got a weeks vacation coming up in a few weeks and am thinking of making the run over to Comins for a little pike fishing. Unfortunatly I can't seem to find any current reports. Anyone care to give me a quick report? Thanks, Fred.
I haven't been up there, but I've been told that the pike up there are hardly worth fishing for because they are so small. Something about stunting from an over-abundance of spawning areas and an under-abundance of food. Somebody correct me if I am wrong please. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at some pike fishing if it's worth the drive...
Hey Fred,
I haven't heard anything good from Comins. I would head to Cave Lake which is just a few miles up the road for some fast trout fishing.
I spoke to someone who was catching a lot of 14 - 16 inch trout (occasional 18 incher as well) out of Illipah which is about 40 miles west of Ely. However, this was last wednesday and things could be different. Wouldn't hurt to try though.
Good luck!
The SOB that brought pike back to Comins from Basset Lake is getting his now. The lake is completely ruined and will stay that way until another drought dries it up enough for the fish & game to rotenone it again. If they don't drain & treat Basset Lake at the same time it'll just happen again. From what I read a while ago some (I'm betting the same) SOB tried dumping pike in the waters at Kirch but they died. I sure as he-- hope they all died anyway.
I was up in Ely in late July. Comins was always a favorite I every so often made those 1 day trips in search of that trophy rainbow. When I was there in July I saw quite a few boats on the water and folks on the bank. I had read the reports that Sportsworld puts on the wall of the store and it was very dismal, then with the mecury problem ( I like to eat all kinds of fish) It seems like no one would be there. Maybe the locals know something we don't . I think I read sometime in late 08 that NDOW did a gill netting and found no rainbows. It wasn't too long ago if I knew I was going to be passing by Comins I always had my fishing gear. I love this site I have learned so much and found so much info that has helped me alot. Thanks Guys and Girls
Thanks for the input guys! It sounds like Comins is pretty much DOA now. Too bad..... I was looking forward to getting into some nice pike. I hooked and lost several nice ones in there a few years ago, but that was before the NV DWR quit stocking it with feed (trout). [frown] Thanks again, Fred K.