[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][#002850]Since the Berry cuts frequently eat crawdads (I've seen craws in their stomaches), why not tip jigs with crawdad tail meat?
Or is that not legal or considered chumming, etc.?
Anyone know the regulations on that?
Any of you tried it before?
I just finished making some good notes on how to fish the Berry in the fall. In one part of the document I wrote about tipping your jig with chub, red shinner, etc. It got me wondering about tipping your lure with crawdad.
Any experience or comments?[/#002850][/size][/font]
I have heard nothing on tipping with a crawdad. That big Cutt Kait caught was full of crawdads. Good Idea
I have caught cutts with brown and orange tube jigs scented with crawdad flavor so i dont see why it wouldnt work.
[#008000]Hey Old_Coot,[/#008000]
[#008000]Yes, you can use Crawdads for bait and it is legal - as long as they are dead (like all bait) and only used in the water where they are captured.[/#008000]
[#008000]As far as chumming goes; in the fishing proclamation, it states that any thing that is not attached to your hook that is intended to attract fish is not legal (page 9).[/#008000]
[#008000]To answer your primary question as to whether or not it works ... yes it can. But, it has never been very productive for me and I don't know exactly why because it seems like it should. Interestingly though, I've used Crawdad scents and Crawdad colored tubes that do work occasionally. Actually, this Saturday (as well as last Saturday) I was at Strawberry and caught a Crawdad while jigging and considered cutting it up for bait but, I just tossed it back in.[/#008000]
[quote Fishhound]
[#008000]Yes, you can use Crawdads for bait and it is legal - as long as they are dead (like all bait) and only used in the water where they are captured.[/#008000]
Chuck, the crawdads don't have to be dead. From the 2009 Utah Fishing Guidebook:
[#bf0000]"Use of live crayfish for bait is legal only on the water where the crayfish is captured. It is unlawful to transport live crayfish away from the water where they were captured." (emphasis added)[/#bf0000]
It also appears to me, that it is legal for one to use dead crayfish that were caught on another body of water.
[#008000]I stand corrected. Thank you for that clarification.[/#008000]
from what I have understood you can use crayfish live in the lake/res. you catch them in. I've done this at deer creek quite a few times. hope it not illegal. later chuck
Chuck you are legal. See my post above.
If you are going to use crayfish, a couple of things. First, don't use those huge one's. Catch some smaller 1.5 - 2.5 inch ones. Next, be sure to remove the pincer's. they will crawl under rocks and such, then hang on and you will have to break them off. Taking the pincers off also make's them more appealing to the fishies. Last, and I don't know how well this works, but soft shell craws are more appealing than hard shell. Supposedly, you can put them between layers of towel, soaked in vinegar ( don't know the concentration) and this will soften the shells. Problem is that it may take several days for the softening process to occur and you can't transport them alive. Hook them through the tail with a light wire hook with a split shot 12 - 18 inches above and have fun !!!!!
I was thinking of just tearing out some of the fresh tail meat and tipping my hook with that.
Thanks to all for your replies. I may give it a try next time down there.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000]Are you going to fish or catch CrawDads?[

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000] perhaps we can put out the bait for Crawdads in the AM go fishing-them came back and get what the bait caught. this way you will not be skunked for the day.[/#000000][/font][fishin]
My thoughts exactly.
We fished with white tubes this past weekend, smothered them in crawdad attractant, and did quite well.
lol i like this one..
i have used do-dad's at Scofield for years.. on the ice they work great.. best way i have found is trap your dad's get a bunch of them cut the tail's off shell them to if you like.. i dont i keep the shell on and just put the tails in a bag put them in the frezzer and take them out like minnows..
the meat does not stay on the hook great but if your quick at seting the hook it works great!