08-31-2009, 09:00 AM
Beetlespin and I were talking about how we don't just go out and fish for the fun of it much anymore. Today I decided to do just that. Hit the water at 4:30 and stopped at 8:30. Put 13 bass in the boat and had more keepers then non-keepers. emoThumbsup First stop, first cast, pulled up to a wooden piling and pitched a pig and jig at it. Felt a hard thump and set the hook, good fish came in that hit the scales at 3 lbs and 2 ozes.
Procided to put one here and one there in the boat. Nothing huge but some nice bass. Used a combination of pig/jig, shakey head with finese worm 4 inches, a crank and a t-rigged worm 8 inch. The best five I ended up with were 2/4, 2/8, 2/13, 3/2 and 3/12. Not a bad little four hour outing. Most came deep from 14 to 27 feet. A couple were suspended on bluffs and hit shallow but the water itself was deep. I had seven keepers all LM. No spots or sm today. The water was 80 degrees so it is cooling off. Had a nice relaxing afternoon fishing. emoAngel Jmax