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The Long Beach Press Telegram posted a story this AM on a forthcoming, 4 day grunion run. Now is the time to catch those giant butts. Tubers...go to the Long Beach strand and fish inchs deep back and forth inside the swim buoys (where boats are banned). Use live smelt or fresh dead or get to the beach at sun-up and pick up a few dead grunion if you can beat the gulls. Guaranteed! There is no better time than this.The tides are minus low and coming strong through the morning.
Wow! I have not heard any one talk about grunion in years. That sure brings back some memories of my teenage years hanging out all night partying and waiting for the grunion to run and then grabbing up by bucket full.

Hi gvanzant,

Thank you or the heads up. The last time they were due on nearby beaches (where they had been before) they were a no show. wierd! I got confirmation from others on this unusual occurance.

To our visitors:
If you have a little time, you should go to you'll see a lot of neat information plus the site has this year's grunion run schedule. Check out their site if you haven't visited in a while.

Again thanks gvanzant,
