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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]Not that I was interested in buying one - but I was curious as to what a 00 wt rod felt like. I mean this Sage rod was like holding a 7'10" piece of spaghetti. Can't imagine hooking into a 10" wild brown. Those are fun on a 2 wt but on a 00 wt it must feel like bull moose. lol Anyone own a 0 or 00?[/size][/#008000][/font]
You know, I was thinking about the same thing once.I
would like to cast 00wt once just to feel it.
Maybe next time I go my fly shop (fisherman spot) I ask
Ken (owner) if he has one I can try.

I picked up a Sage 0 wt a few years ago when they first came out. They are a lot of fun on spring creeks and small mountain lakes. You're right though....a 10-12 inch fish feels like a Tarpon.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][img]../../../images/gforum/happy.gif[/img]Hey Montana_Man I wish that you didn't say that. I don't need another rod right now. But what the heck their TXL series rod only goes for $565. Hear that MacFly, bust out the piggy bank. [img]../../../images/gforum/bobWink.gif[/img][/size][/#008000][/font]
lol.. told ya.. the remodel emptied that piggy bank.. and the back up to that one.. and the back up to the back up.. LOL.. I been told.. tight budget time till comfort zone is reached again.. :-)
